
Char All Skill Ran Online

 Step 1 For EP3/4 use RanFileEditor
 For EP5/6 use LogicFileEditor
 Do search and download the tools.

 Step 2
 Unpack your Glogic.rcc to Ran Online Root/Data/Glogic

 Step 3
 Run RFE/LFE then open up class00.charset - class29.charset
 class00.charset is Male Brawler
 class01.charset is Male Swordie
 class02.charset is Female Archer
 class03.charset is Female Shaman
 class04.charset is Male Extreme
 class05.charset is Female Extreme
 class06.charset is Female Brawler
 class07.charset is Female Swordie
 class08.charset is Male Archer
 class09.charset is Male Shaman
 class10.charset - Class19.charset
 class20.charset - class29.charset

wLevel  1 //Starting Level default: 1
lnMoney  0 //Starting Gold default: 0
wStatsPointt 3 //Starting Stat Point default: 3
dwSkillPoint 0 //Starting Skill Point default: 0
sStartMapID [2,0] //New Character Starting Point, see mapslist.ini

Starting Skill
ExpSkills  [4,0][0]
ExpSkills  [4,1][0]
ExpSkills  [4,2][8]
//Starting Skill 4 is Mid, 1 is Sid, 0 is skill lev 1(8 is Master)

Starting Item(Wearing)
PutOnItems [HEAD]  [98, 0]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems  [UPPER]  [38, 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems  [LOWER]  [41, 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [HAND]  [98, 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems  [FOOT]  [44, 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems  [RHAND]  [23, 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [RHAND]  [98, 2]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [NECK]  [*** 1]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [WRIST]  [*** 2]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [RFINGER] [*** 3]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
PutOnItems [LFINGER] [99, 4]  [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
//99 is Item Mid, 4 is Item Sid, 0 is Quantity, 0 is Weapon Upgrade (if put 9 that means is +9), 0 is Armour Upgrade (if put 9 means is +9), 0,0,0,0,0 is the Ele, Fire, Ice, Poison & Air
Starting Item
cInventory  [4, 4]  [10]  [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
cInventory   [****55] [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
cInventory   [163,2] [0]   [0,0]   [0,0,0,0,0]
//4 is Item Mid, 4 is Item Sid, 10 is Quantity, 0 is Weapon Upgrade (if put 9 that means is +9), 0 is Armour Upgrade (if put 9 means is +9), 0,0,0,0,0 is the Ele, Fire, Ice, Poison & Air

What is Mid, Sid?
IN_000_001 Sword //Red = Mid, Orange = Sid
How you guys can understand