
sPatcher Perfect World

Very Quick Tutorial (VQT) : Install XAMPP + sPatcher

Download XAMPP for Linux and upload it via WinSCP (or FileZilla) in the "/opt" folder of your linux system.

Install XAMPP, in console:
cd /opt
tar xfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz
cd lampp
./lampp start
./lampp security
(follow instruction how to secure your xampp installation)
./lampp restart

Then after XAMPP is installed, in console:
cd /opt/lampp/htdocs
mkdir patcher
chmod 755 patcher
cd patcher
nano versions.sw
- Now you need to write the following line: 1=ec_patch_0-1.xup
- Now you need exit and save change to the file (versions.sw)
- Ctrl+X (for exit) then press (Y) to save the file.

Making the XUP patch:

- Download s PATCH
- Extract in the game folder.
- Make a copy of spatch at the root of your Local Disk.
- Create a new folder "ec_patch" in the spatch folder near the patcher.exe file.
- Create a new sub-folder called "element" and put your patch files in the element folder.
- Drag and drop the "ec_patch" folder on the patcher.exe and the XUP patch will be made automaticaly.
- Rename the ec_patch_0-0.xup to ec_patch_0-1.xup

- Upload that patch via WinSCP (or filezilla) on your server inside the "/opt/lampp/htdocs/patcher" folder.

Launch the spatch in your game client and it should work! Don't forget to edit the path in the patcher.ini (example:
