
Pangya Online Season 4.9 V2

Pangya Season 4.9 Server Repack v.2 + Setup Guide

# Custom TH Pangya S4.9 English UI Edition - 582.05-R1 (MegaUpload - 602MB RAR)
Removed, please use the original client from the stickies, patch it up to 584 and use this as your base. You can grab the necessary translation files from the forum.

Special Thanks fasa2008 for the ProjectG, and there are few bugs that are not resolved but won't cause any issue, client is 100% ready for localhost play, private LAN/WAN play need to hex edit the IP on ProjectG. I might release pak patches regard the remaining bugs and maybe add new official items if i have sufficient motivation to do it. Right now this is as far i go due to the server status i'm having.

# Py S4.9 Server + Database Repack v.2-R1 (Fileserve)
Cleaned off the logs and removed the files that we possibly never need. That downsized from original 120MB to repack 14MB to now amazing 3MB. Mind you this release fixed much bugs and errors from previous release but still contain some. The rest counts on the communities to put their rawr power and make it work.

# Download: MS SQL 2008R2 Express 'Database with Management Tools'
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express - Installation Options

A much more detailed guide (with pictures) by terror here!

MS SQL Server Installation:
1. Launch MSSQL installation with default settings or custom settings is fine.
2. When prompt for Authentication Option choose "Mixed Mode" that uses 'sa' account and type your SQL Server password.
3. Continue and finish the installation with default settings or custom settings is fine.

Game SQL Database Installation: (Make sure the SQL Server is running)
1. Launch 'SQL Server Management Studio' from StartMenu. Connect using:
- Server Type: Database Engine
- Server Name: or localhost or (local) or If you use custom name for the database stance then type example 'James-PC\YourDBStanceName'
- Authentication: Windows Authentication
2. Go 'Database Repack.v2' folder > Execute the .sql files in numberic order and done. (You can ignore the grey or black text about missing procedures)

Open up ODBC Database:
1. Go StartMenu > Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Administrative Tools > launch 'Data Sources (ODBC)'
2. ODBC > 'System DNS' tab > Add > Scroll down to 'SQL Server Native Client 10.0' > Finish

Register Connections to ODBC Database:
1. Name: ini3_py_account
- Put the name of the database ODBC should connect to; which you need 'ini3_py_account', 'INI3Bill_DB' and 'Pangya_S4_TH'. Create the connections ONE BY ONE!
2. Description: Put whatever you want or leave it emty
- A personal note for that connection, is not important anyway.
3. Server:
- If you install MSSQL using Default database stance name then / localhost / (local) / or your PC name are fine. If you use custom name for the database stance then type example 'James-PC\YourDBStanceName'
4. Next page, use Windows Authentication is fine and 'Next'.
5. Change Default Database to the same name as your connection name and leave the rest, go 'Next'.
6. Make sure your Windows is using English language or you can change SQL Server system messages to English. Now press 'Finish' and 'Test Data Sources', you should get 'TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!', press OK to add to ODBC.
7. Now repeat add rest of the connections until you have 'ini3_py_account', 'INI3Bill_DB' and 'Pangya_S4_TH' in OBDC and DONE!

FINAL - Server INI Edits and Done:
1. Open 'PANGYA_SRV Repack.v2' Folder. In there edit following .ini files with your own SQL Server password.
- Auth\Auth.ini
- Login\Login.ini
- Py_GameServer\Server.ini
* Ranking and MSG Servers are optional if you don't use it. BINDSERVER use with MSG Server only.
2. Ready to launch servers! Auth, Login, GameServer! Enjoy and Have fun! (Dont forget to create account :P)

Please read Tsukasa's Guide for account creation and other troubleshoots:
