Since all the posts in the forum are about problems that keep repeating themselves, it's better so just make 1 topic with all solutions of all common problems/questions, I'll update this topic adding new problems and answers regularly
Index :
1. Problem & Solution
2. Question & Answer
1. Problem & Solution
P: Field Server or Agent server give "Gaea Error"
S: Your field/Agent server and your glogic has different episodes
replace your glogic by the correct episode and it should work
P: Char failed to be processed
S: This one has multiple reasons :
If it's char failed to be processed from the start and you're using ep6 :
you cannot play in the same pc that hosts the server
If you're not using ep6 or using other pc :
check your ports and IP in the CFG they must match
If the ports and IP are correct :
Make sure you start your field server BEFORE you start the agent server and wait until it says Server start OK
If the chars success sometimes but fail others :
Most likely that means your CPU is too weak for the server
If the problem starts after running the server for a few hours :
Make sure the client limit of the field server is 2x higher than the login limit of the agent server
If that didn't solve it :
Make sure your server files are responsive and connected to the internet
P: Invalid Field Server ID
S: Your maplist.ini is setup for a different number of field servers than your CFG is
meaning you need to edit the maplist.ini and change the field number of the maps to make them match the number of fields you use (usually you use 1 so change the field server of each map to 0)
P: Bind Error
S: Check your IP settings in CFG, if it's not or a LAN IP (starting with 192.168) then you need port forwarding to fix it
P: SQL Connection failed
S: Either you didn't setup your database or the SQL Database service isn't running.
to make it run, open your SQL Manager, click "connect" then at the server name, rightclick and click START
P: Reading account info takes forever
S: Make sure the server side port 5001 is used for login server ONLY, and make sure your game.exe and login server have the same episode
P: Reading account info takes long, but not forever
S: Your connection or CPU is too slow/overloaded
P: My server gets party bug after some hours, player cannot party anymore
S: Your CPU is overloaded, get a better pc
P: My chat is very delayed (especially shout)
S: Your connection or CPU is slow/overloaded
P: My player get DC often
S: I heard some people say that in their ep6 server player get dc regularly with no reason, I don't know any solution to this, but normal reasons for DC : Your ISP has poor connection to the place your players are playing from, happens especially when using European ISP and Pinoy player get Lag/DC
P: My server is super delayed, player get teleport back, but it's not lag!
S: Again, your ISP is the problem, if you need quality ISP, host in America
P: My skills MISS all the time, even buff and int skill
S: Your skill.ssf has an integrity bug, replace it
Integrity bug happens when hexing the skill.ssf
P: I get C++ error / fatal error /D3D9 Generic application error when starting agent or field or game.exe
S: You don't have any glogic, or your glogic is encrypted or it's broken
If that's not it, make sure you have a graphic card capable of Direct X9 and drivers installed
P: In Ep6 why can't I refine my items to +15?
S: Check the following things :
Is your refine set to 'highest' refining level?
In your default.charclass is your highest refining level 15?
Also : EVERY SINGLE ITEM that can be refined to more than +9 needs to have refining setting to HIGHEST
P: My character got rollback
S: Often that's caused because you have more than 32767 HP SP or MP
The limit is 65535 but to unlock 65535 instead of 32767 you need to go to your database, edit the table chainfo and set the variable type of HP MP and SP to Bigint (usually it's int)
P: My players are duping items/gold!
S: Use Ep6 server files! All other episodes have easy ways of duping
Items and gold can still be duped in ep6 but it's harder, not so many people know how to do it
P: I can connect to my server, but other player can't
S: You most likely set the server locally, IP means only YOU can connect
192.168 type of IP means only player who use same modem as you can connect
to allow others to play you need a WAN IP, (non local IP) and port forwarding
P: I get stuck when moving map
S: Don't play the game on the pc who hosts the server, but if you have to do it, use GM commands to move around
If you're not playing in the same pc as your server then that's a common bug of RAN to sometimes get stuck when moving map, lag increases the chance of it happening, it's solved in Ep7
P: My players pow and dex skills deal 0 damage on other player
S: The player who get no damage by pow and dex have too big def
generally speaking 900 def causes def bug that makes them immune to pow and dex, that bug ruins the balance of the game, create your items wisely so they can't get bug def
P: My server files just close without reason or get a fatal error
S: That's most likely the crash hack by sending bad packages, you can't avoid it, there's no protection against it so far, it's fixed in ep7
however there's also 2 other possible things :
ep3 : Chatblock is bugged and sometimes bugs a char and makes it cause server crash at login, to fix it reset all the chatblock dates
ep4 : The lottery is bug and sending lottery packages can cause a server to crash, to fix it, set the chance to win in the lottery to 0 in default.charclass
P: My server's say server start OK but I get 'internet disconnected' when starting the game
S: Did you change your login server port? It must be 5001
if it's not that, then you might have forgotten to change your param, edit your param (how to is answered at question & answer) and set every IP in the param to your server IP
P: It says 'char name is unavailable ' even if the char name does not exist
S: Your database is either incomplete or the wrong episode, make sure your database episode matches the server files episode
P: My CP tells me "Loading php_mssql.dll Falied!"
S: Follow these steps :
1.Open PHP.ini
2.Find ;extension=php_mssql.dll
3.Replace by extension=php_mssql.dll
4.Find extension_dir =
5.Check what folder it's showing
6.Put php_mssql.dll in that folder
Don't forget to restart appache after doing any changes, otherwise it won't work
Note : Your PHP.ini must be version 4! Not newer, take mine if you must :
Also : Make sure the PHP.ini you replace/edit is the one being used by the web server, also I changed the default extention folder, check it!
P: I followed your steps for the problem above now I get "SQL Connection failed"
S: Make sure your SQL server is running then if you're sure it is if it still doesn't work then you're most likely lacking ntwdblib.dll
download it and put it into the C:/Windows/system32 folder
If you need a DLL type the name in google you'll find a download link
P: I can't restore a database backup
S: You need to have a database first, just create an empty database, then rightclick it go tasks>Restore, then chose the backup, then go options and chose 'overwrite existing database'
P: Mobs drop no items!
S: You most likely have no GLogicServer.rcc
if you do have one but they still don't drop items,
either your mobs have no settings for gen files or your items have all gen num 0 or your default.charclass drop rate is set to 0
P: There's no gold in the Guild Locker after CW
S: Add a trigger to guild info that works ON UPDATE
and does :
update GuildInfo Set GuMoney=GuMoney+GuIncomeMoney, GuIncomeMoney=0 from Inserted where GuNum=Inserted.GuNum
2. Question & Answer
Q: What are the refining colors :
Ep3 :
+1 ~ +4 : Shine
+5 ~ +6 : Blue
+7 ~ +8 : Orange
+9 ~ +19 : Gold
+20 ~ +255 : Gold with Aura
with some CPS in ep3 the gold with aura may come at earlier refining levels or not at all, and some CPS have white with aura at +10 and +11 (According to qiangqiang101)
Ep4 & Ep5 :
+1 ~ +4 : Shine
+5 ~ +6 : Blue
+7 ~ +8 : Orange
+9 ~ +12 : Gold
+13 ~ +19 : Red
+20 ~ +255 : Gold with Aura
Ep6 :
+1 ~ +4 : Shine
+5 ~ +6 : Blue
+7 ~ +8 : Orange
+9 ~ +9 : Gold
+10 ~ +10 : Light Blue
+11 ~ +11 : Dark Blue
+12 ~ +12 : Green
+13 ~ +13 : Red
+14 ~ +14 : Purple/Pink
+15 ~ +255 : Greenish Gold with Aura
Q: Can I change the refining colors?
A: No
Q: What's the maximum value of stats :
HP & MP & SP & Pow & Dex & Int & Stm & Vit & Atk & Damage = 65535
Def & Evasion & Accuracy & Attribute & Life Pt = 2.14 billion
Gold = 9 quintillion (=9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
Q: How to open the Glogic.rcc or any rcc?
A: Win rar
Q: How to edit param.ini?
EP3 : use RFE
Ep4 : use RFE, however after opening the game.exe the param becomes hard encrypted, then you can't edit it anymore, get a new one
Ep5 : Logic editor
Ep6 : Logic Editor
Q: Where can I find this tool?
A: Check important links at the stickies
Q: I saw RZ Ran or some other server where def was 2000 - 3000+ but no def bug, how come?
A: The def in RZ Ran was an illusion, the server side item.isf had less def than the client side, to make people think they had big def when they had normal def
Q: How many player can I host with my 3 mbit connection?
A: Depends, if you're like many, using DSL or even dial up, you can't barely host any player at all
DSL and Dial Up has only low upload speed, you can only upload with 1/8th of your download speed, meaning 3 mbit download only offers 387 kbit upload speed which is 48 Kilobyte per second, it's nearly nothing
Q: What are the specs required to host a server
It makes no difference if you're hosting ep3 ep4 ep5 or ep6, they need the same specs if you don't use low CPU server files, you'll need 2 cores more than the ones indicated below:
If you use a 64 bit OS you have to add 500 MB to each Ram requirement
You always need at least 80 GB HDD space to keep the server open long term, but, the more you have the less often you need to clean up
Note: Using DSL is always more lag or delayed than dedicated
30 player :
Cores : 1
Ram : 1 GB
Netspeed : 4 mbit DSL or 0.5 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Any
80 player :
Cores : 2
Ram : 1.5 GB
Netspeed : 8 ~ 10 mbit DSL or 1 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Any
320 player :
Cores : 2
Ram : 3 GB
Netspeed : 5 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Any
750 player :
Cores : 2
Ram : 4 GB
Netspeed : 10 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Any
2000 player :
Cores : 3
Ram : 5 GB
Netspeed : 25 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Any
3000 player :
Cores : 4
Ram : 6 GB
Netspeed : 40 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : SATA II 7200 RPM, Raid0, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10, SSD, SAS, SCSI
4000 player :
Cores : 5
Ram : 7 GB
Netspeed : 55 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : SATA II 7200 RPM, Raid0, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10, SSD, SAS, SCSI
5000 player :
Cores : 6
Ram : 8 GB
Netspeed : 70 mbit Dedicated
HDD Type : Raid0, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10, SSD, SAS, SCSI
Note : If you have a fast hard drive, you don't need so much Ram
if you use Raid or SSD even 2~3 GB Ram can host 3000 player but you have to allocate more paging files, don't replace RAM by paging files when your hard drive is slow otherwise your DDS will freeze up
Q: What's the job of each server file?
Session Server : Write server logs, give login server information about the channels, connects each of the server files to each other
Login server : Provide the client the channel and server IP and ports, guide the client to a server and channel
Field Server : Handle mobs and player actions, save player data, write Game logs
Agent Server : Handle chat, transfer player from 1 map to another, handle GM commands, Process chars
Q: How to put [GM] in char name
A: Go to your database, rightclick RanGame1, chose new query
run this query :
Update chainfo set Chaname = '[GM]YourcharName' where chaname='YourCharName'
example : Update chainfo set Chaname = '[GM]Jolin88' where chaname='Jolin88'
Q: How can I edit this in my server?
A: Check my other guides :
and :
Q: Can I make int skills miss?
A: No
Q: Can I make pow or dex skills stop missing?
A: Give them huge accuracy, it's the closest you can get to never missing
Q: Can I increase the stats limit?
A: No
Q: What's the max level? And can I increase it?
A: Max level is 300, no way to go beyond
Q: What are the GM commands
A: I might have forgotten some, or not know all, but here are most of them :
/m2c (ep3)
/m2g GateID (ep3&4&5&6)
/m2p MapMainID,MapSubID,X,Y (ep3&4&5&6)
/m2c_cn CHARNAME (ep4&5&6)
/charinfo_cn CHARNAME (ep3&4&5&6)
/chatblock_cn CHARNAME (ep3&4&5&6)
/genchar_cn CHARNAME (ep5&6)
/event_ex_begin Attack,[1~50] (ep5&6)
/event_ex_begin Speed,[1~50] (ep5&6)
/event_ex_begin Aspeed,[1~50] (ep5&6)
/event_ex_end Attack (ep5&6)
/event_ex_end Speed (ep5&6)
/event_ex_end Aspeed (ep5&6)
/eventitem_begin rate (ep3&4&5&6)
/eventmoney_begin rate (ep3&4&5&6)
/eventexp_begin rate (ep3&4&5&6)
/eventitem_end rate (ep4&5&6)
/eventmoney_end rate (ep4&5&6)
/eventexp_end rate (ep4&5&6)
/whois CharName (ep4&5&6)
/mob_gen MobMainID,MobSubID,X,Y (ep3&4&5&6)
/mob_del (ep4&5&6)
/mob_gen_ex MobMainID,MobSubID,MapMainID,MapSubID,Radius,Amount,Channel (ep4&5&6)
/visible off (ep3&4&5&6)
/visible on (ep3&4&5&6)
/lev_new LevFile (ep3&4&5&6)
/lev_del (ep4&5&6)
/wherenpc MobMainID,MobSubID
/limit_event_begin MinLevel,MaxLevel,PlayTime,Duration,ExpBonus,ItemDropRateBonus (ep5)
/limit_event_end (ep5)
(creditz: DJ Zentrix / Seifer for BTG Command)
Q: How to patch a client?
A: Replace the files of the client by the ones you changed
Note : Of course I didn't keep repeating each time that some things can be changed (such as max level, stat limit) by using reverse engineering and assembler, yes, anything can be changed with that, but I'm excluding it because it requires a high knowledge of assembler and reverse engineering
Q: What happens if I run out of Hard disk space while running the server
A: Extreme rollbacks
Q: What happens if I run out of RAM while running the server
A: SQL will manage the ram and use less of it, as long as SQL is the one using most of the RAM you'll barely notice, but if the server files use more Ram than you have you'll experience huge server machine slowdown and massive lag
Q: What happens if I overload the CPU to run the server
A: Bugs and delays will come up, char processing will be slow and may fail, delayed chat (especially shout), party bug, and sometimes a bit lag
Q: What happens if I overload the network connection to run the server
A: Lag, the more network connection is lacking the worse the lag is, everyone will lag not just the player that are too many