Hey guys! I decided I will make a tutorial, as i have not done one yet. :P
I wanna thank KG for showing me how to do it, for there weren't any guides for with sELedit.
Alright. This guide will include the following:
-How to use recipies
-How to add/edit crafting services
-How to add a GM Token System
-How to give yourself Blacksmith 11-13
Alright, time to start.
If you don't have sELedit, download it here
Once you download it and stuff, make a folder called PWServer Tools or whatever floats your boat, and put it in there. Next, grab your client elements.data. Make a subfolder in PWServer Tools and name it client elements.data, and then make a folder in PWServer Tools called server elements.data. Put the client's element.data and put it in client elements.data (folder).
Time to start editing, baby!
Alright. Open up sELedit, and go to the top bar. You will see File, Edit, and Tools. Go to File>Load>CN_1.3.6_v101 Client and find the folder PWServer Tools and then open up client elements.data. Now. This is the funnnn part.
Lets take a break and think here.
For security, think about it. You will want to give yourself something regular users don't have. The ability to have level 10-225 blacksmith. (I think 225 is the max.)
Open up pwAdmin. Find the character you want to give the blacksmith. Now. Hit XML Mode. Search (manually) for skills. In skills, look for the first 8 numbers. The first 8 numbers are how many skills you have, in hex. You have 0-9, and then A to F.
So, that aside, every character has xxxxxxxx as the first 8 numbers. I recommend for GM's, just delete the current data and add in this code:
Lets dissect this.
04000000(This is the hex part that says how many skills we have. 04000000 means 4.
9e000000000000000c000000 is hex for blacksmith 12. See where the c is? 9e000000000000000c000000 That specifies that this is blacksmith 12. A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, and so on.
a1000000000000000a000000 is Apothecary 10.
9f000000000000000a000000 is Tailor 10.
a0000000000000000a000000 is Craftsman 10.
So, there we go. Copy 040000009e000000000000000c000000a1000000000000000a0000009f000000000000000a000000a0000000000000000a000000 to the character skills data.
Back to the topic now!
Alright. Go to list 90, Spinelle is the name. See the bottom one? Change the name to GM Token. Yay! We have the name changed!
Now...Go to list 66 (Subtypes) and scroll to the bottom. See the bottom one? Clone it. Right click>Clone selected item. Change the ID to 1 up. Mine is at 4772, but I dont know if yours will be the same. Done? Nice, good work so far. Now, go to the list 67 (Recipes) and scroll the whole way down. Clone the bottom one, remember is is right click>clone selected item. Change the name AND the ID. Now. Find the ID of the thing you want added to a NPC. Once you find it, look at the third box down, Sub type. Change that to the sub type we just made. See line 5? That is where we put what crafting skill you need.
0: No skill needed
158: Blacksmith
159: Tailor
160: Craftsman
161-4: Apothecary
Credit to das7002
Lets keep it at blacksmith. So, in line 5 put 158. Now, in line 6 put 11, 12, or 13 depending on what you want it at. I really suggest having things above craft level 10, because it is more secure.
Now, in line 8 put the ID of the item you want to craft. Line 9 you want to be 1, because you want it to craft that 100% of the time. Line 17 is the amount, so if it is a telecaustic, add like 500 or something. Line 19 is craft time. 1 is suggested for quick crafting. Line 22 - put the ID of the Spinelle you changed to GM Token. Line 23 - the amount you need of the ID on line 22. Yay! We did the recipe! Now, go to list 53 (NPC Crafting Service) and scroll to the bottom. Clone the bottom one, and change it to a ID that you KNOW isn't used yet. (I used 45000 for mine. Once you are done with that, change the name. This is what it will show in the npc when you check out its menu. See line 4? Line 4 is what the tab in the crafting service shows. Change it to like GM List or whatever you want. From line 5 - 36 you can add recipe ID's. Once you are done with that, go ahead and go to list 56 (NPC's) and find the NPC you want to add the crafting service to. NOTE: Some NPC's don't support crafting. Find line 26, and put the crafting service ID there. Yay! So far so good. Go to file>Save as and find client elements.data, and then overwrite the elements.data. Then go to file>export>CN_ 1.3.6_v101 ==>Client CN_1.3.6_v101 - Server and go to server elements.data and then save it as elements.data. Put the client elements.data in your client, and server elements.data in the server. Restart server, and yay it should work.
Good luck!