his is a step by step guide on how to add a costume to your server.
To begin you'll be needing some stuffs:
- Sweetscape 010 Editor (google is your friend)
- 010 Templates by Yamachi
- rar with files to follow the tutorial
- !! create backups !!
UPDATE: Here's the korean item.dec which I've corrected so all you need to do is copy the data to your item.enc without the 00 stuff. I've also reworked the guide a bit.
For this tutorial we'll be adding the item [Costume]Nevareth Pirate Outfit.
1. Getting the needed info.
To add an item we need the data for our files and we'll get that out of the korean test client. I've added all you'll need in the rar for this item so don't worry you're not on your own yet.
Open up the korean cabal_msg.dec and find "item2570".
You'll see some gibberish there but if you go to View -> Character Set -> international -> Korean you'll see Hangeul.
Using google translate won't amount to much but if you listen to the spoken words in korean you can make out Nevareth Pirate. Sometimes google translate is good but mostly not. This way you can try to find out what the item would be.
We now know 2570 is the costume and if you would check 2571 is the epaulet. The epaulet is the version of the costume that goes in the epaulet slot and which we'll need to link to in cabal.enc but that will all be clear in a min.
2. Editing item.enc
Now we know the item id of our costume: 2570 & 2571 so let's open up the korean item.dec and load & run ItemENCTemplate to get a nice structured view.
Go to id 2570 and copy the selected data. Go to your unpacked item.enc and run the template. Go to the last id and scroll down so you can paste right behind that.
Not needed with the updated file BUT you will have to do this if you ever add items from the korean test client from the unedited item.enc
Since EP3 there is a little change in the item.enc so run the template again so it shows
your newly pasted data and unfold that and scroll to "unit 32 dSTR2".
Add 00 right infront of that and scroll down to "ubyte PeriodUse"
and delete 00 after that.
Now change the ItemID and DescID so they are the same as the last ID in your item.enc. In my case this is 1458 but this does not mean it's the same as yours.
Repeat these steps for item 2571.
Save and repack.
3. Editing item.scp (server)
Open up your item.scp and scroll down a bit untill you see.
These are the names for every column of that table and in your item.enc the template uses the same names so you can easily find the data that you'll have to add in here.[Item] Type PriceSell Width Height Opt2/STRLmt1 DEXLmt1/Opt2Val INTLmt1/Opt3 Opt3Val/STRLmt2 DEXLmt2/Opt4 INTLmt2/Opt4Val AttckRate/Opt1 DefenRate/Opt1Val/PhyAttMax Defense/LEVLmt/MagAttVal ValueLv MaxCore dSTR1 dDEX1 dINT1 dSTR2 dDEX2 dINT2 LimitLv LimitClass LimitReputation Grade EnchantCodeLnk Property PeriodType PeriodUse
So go to the end of the file and add a new line with the new item you just added in your item.enc.
Here's the first one, just edit the itemid to yours.
Now add the second one yourself. The easiest way to do that is to open up excel and past that line of column names and then go search for the data in your item.enc, it's really simple. When you're done restart the server. Now start your game and send both items to yourself. You should already be able to retrieve them but the visuals aren't there yet.1458 @IDT_AVAN 0 2 1 63 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 1
4. Editing cabal_msg.enc
Open up your unpacked cabal_msg.enc and go to the last item name in my case
and add<msg id="item1430" cont="[Costume] Lovely Sweet Epaulet" />
Edit item id according to the items you just added in your files.<msg id="item1458" cont="[Costume] Nevareth Pirate Outfit" /> <msg id="item1459" cont="[Costume] Nevareth Pirate Epaulet" />
and for the description
Edit item id according to the items you just added in your files.<msg id="item_desc1458" cont="[Character Costume Item]_ _For the people from the open ocean._To instill the subject of terror_and fear in their foes._Feel the strenght of the pirates._" /> <msg id="item_desc1459" cont="[Character Costume Item]_ _For the people from the open ocean._To instill the subject of terror_and fear in their foes._Feel the strenght of the pirates._" />
Save and Repack.
5. Adding the items visuals.
5.a. Item model and effects.
Go to and download the FX / Item folder pack to simplify this. It includes all new effect files and that makes this step a lot easier.
In your item.enc at the start of the items you just added you'll see "fx\efx\item\pItem\avan_sigil_fun_53.efx". So if you want to see the items in your inventory you'll have to fetch the file from the Korean client. I've included it in the rar for this tutorial.
Now only copying that over to the right folder is not enough as .efx files need other files to make the full model with added effects and your client might not have them yet. The way we'll find out which files is pretty simple.
Open up the .efx file you just copied and run EFXTemplate. Go into the objects tree to see all files it uses to create the effects.
This .efx uses a total of 6 other files numbered 0-5. Selecting each of them step by step shows us where we can find the file but these are also included in the rar. All 6 of them being:
After all this copying you'll see the items in your inventory.fx\src\ebs\magicsic_skilup_s.ebs fx\src\eps\avan_sigil_blue.eps fx\src\ebs\blr_ball2[red2].ebs item\pitem\sigil_fun_53.ebm fx\src\ebs\eye shine_red(asterisk).ebs fx\src\ebs\eye shine_red(asterisk).ebs
5.b. Character model
You'll need the man11.ech and woman11.ech from the korean test client and you'll have to enable your cabalmain.exe to load them. For that I'll send you to another tutorial.
To load to 11 you'll have to edit with 0B and not 09.
Once that is out of the way copy over the man11.ech and woman11.ech to your client.
Go to and download the ECH pack. It includes all ech files modified so they should load correctly.
Now to link the avatar item to the epaulet so it will show the costume on your character on equip you'll have to go into your cabal.enc and your item.enc. Go to the itemid of the avatar item you added and look at the data. At AttackRate_Opt1 you'll see 7 and at Opt2_STRLmt1 you'll see 63 so that means you'll have to go to <avatar type="7"> in your cabal.enc and add a new line there. You can copy over an existing line and then you have to set the id="63" which you found in the item.enc and the armor_item_id="" has to be the item id of the epaulet version of the costume you just added.
Save and repack and it's time to give it a test.
6. Aftermath
Well if all is well you should be looking at your first added item/costume.
- Yamachi (templates)
- PX2000 (cabalmain.exe edit)