Now I will release a guide in adding items in your item mixing, it's ingredients and the finish product
Before anything else, item mixing is only for EP7 and need the item mixing NPC a.k.a "JACK".
If you don't have jack, read my guide in adding him in your NPCs
Please note that you should include Grocer NPC in order to activate the Item Mixing features...
Now lest's start
First open your Glogic.rcc in the data\glogic folder:
Extract itemMix.ini using Winrar
And then open it with REditor:
Now you see numbers right?
ITEM_MIX = [0] [0,6] [1] [18,1] [1] [-1,-1] [0] [-1,-1] [0] [-1,-1] [0] [98,10] [1] [95] [2100]
[0]= the item mixing number
[06]= the item id number (refer to your ItemStrTable.txt about that)
[1] = the number of items needed
[98,10] = that is the id number of the finish product
[95]= that is the probability of success
[2100]= that is the item mixing fee (gold)
put [-1,-1] [0] to empty the remaining slot and there are only 5 maximum items you can insert.
Use tab button on spacing or else it won't work !!!