Hello everyone!
Henmoro here. I m here to show you how to set your server up online!
First off I will be going over the basic files you will need!
First of all you will need VMWare Workstation. There are many different versions. But you will need a Serial! Which you can find by searching Google.
Click here for VMWare 7.0.14--->VMware Workstation 7.0
You can Google for other versions. But this one is the most used!
After getting VMWare ready to go you will download Winscp!
Click here for WinSCP -->Download WinSCP from SourceForge.net
Next will be the server files!(please Private message me if the link is dead)
Click here for the server files ---> Server Files
Here is the Game Client download.(This is what you use to play the game!)
Download link--> Папка 4shared - Мой 4shared
Client uploaded by Drakn!
Now time to set it up!
First off you will go into your VMWare options and click on vnet0. Connect your VMWare with your most active Ethernet device. Aka wi-fi, or Lan.
After doing that unrar the server files and stick them somewhere that you will remember. After doing this go into your VMWare and open your server files! Do this by clicking the first option at the top right of VMWare.
After opening the server files right click the server slot that pops up and set your connection type too custom, selection vnet0.
Save then start your server!
After everything loads the information to log in will be Usernme:root Password:root.
After you sign in type ifconfig.
The I.P that pops up write it down because you will need it later for many things!
Port forwarding help
Go into your router settings via website and log in!
Click on port forward options!
port forward these ports:
Use the I.P the VMWare gave you as the port forward I.P!
After saving everything make sure you know what your main I.P is! Because that will be used to connect too your server via other players.
If you do not know what your I.P is then go here! What's My IP
Most people on Lan does not need to port forward! meaning you can go ahead and make your server online!
Common questions:
Why do I need WinSCP?
A: Most patches has to do with the server side! you use the I.P that Winscp gave you to connect, you have to transfer your elements.data and ghsop.data over to your server side in location "/usr/rain/gamed/config/".
After doing that start your server!!!
Next go into your client side! Go into Elements folder/userdata/server/serverlist.txt edit the I.P listings too your I.P. After doing that change the port, it will say "29020" Change it too 29000. You can also change the name of your server there as well! Save it then your ready for the last part.
After your server has completely started you can log in!!
I have already made you a default character to play around on!
Username: Rose
Password: 357zelda
For tools check out my other thread called "All the major JD tools you will need!"
For the Hamachi Server Tutorial look below!(optional)
Originally Posted by legendaryegoist
Okey Girls and Boys Lets Rock
go winscp and http://files.hamachi.cc/linux/hamach...-20-lnx.tar.gz copy your home :) in linux and now set your wmware to bridge and>>\---------
start Henmoro's RedHat Linux !!!
and now login write : setup and 2.=network setup :) click frist and select frist and OK go restart and ifconfig and now you online :) go cd /home cd ./hamachi and hamachi makeinstall :) and tuncfg start and init idk wth start and hamachi start and hamachi set-nick and join :) or make another love:
Note: If you have any issue's/bugs or so forth take a look below!
Originally Posted by bob005
Over past months in all my work with JD servers I have faced many problems. I think some of you might also face this problem in future or you are faceing them right now. So, here I will give you the problems and the ways to fix them.
1. Situation: gacd and authd not found when starting the server. Although they are there in the respective folder where they should.
Sol: This mainly occurs when you try to use a 64bit linux on VMWare. So common solution is to switch to a 32 bit linux. I recommend 32 bit ubuntu server edition for JD server.
2. Situation: gameDB failed for too long to cause error importing the toptable.
Sol: Now this one is because the gamedbd did not start atall. It can be caused by error in gamesys.conf file in gamedbd or corrupt clsconfig or corrupt gamedatabase.
To fix errors in gamesys.conf open it and check the path of storage and storagewdb to see if they point to your dbhomewdb folder. If they dont then replace those paths with the actual path of your dbhomewdb folder.
To fix corrupt clsconfig, use terminal and goto the gamedbd folder. Then run "./gamedbd gamesys.conf exportclsconfig" without the quotes. This will export new clsconfig from game database.
To fix corrupt database, you can try the following command "./gamedbd gamesys.conf repairdb" without the quotes.
3. Situation: authd error java not found.
Sol: This can be caused by invalid permissions or the fact that the linux does not have JRE( Java Runtime Environment ) installed. To fix chmod the java folder with 777 and recursion. To install the JRE follow your linux's community's advice. I recommend Installing openJDK 6.
4. Situation: gameDB crashes after running for awhile.
Sol: This can be caused by low amount of RAM or corrupt gamedb. JD server needs atleast 1.5GB RAM to run properly. You can run with only only 1 GB RAM too but the more ram you have the more performance you get under heavy load. But, if your gamedb is corrupt, to fix it, you can try the following command "./gamedbd gamesys.conf repairdb" without the quotes.
If you have any more problem that you dont have solutions, please post them here, I will try to solve them, and If you have suggestions on the existing solutions please feel free to post aswell.
Below is a video guide for setting the server up. Please note that if you are still having issues to feel free to post all the necessary information on your issue so we can help you.
Downlaod Guide
You will need to download the video Guide.
There you go! if you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread :)
Some people are having a MYSQL server lockup with this server when 1500+ character tables are made, If you have a solution to this feel free to post it in this thread.
Henmoro here. I m here to show you how to set your server up online!
First off I will be going over the basic files you will need!
First of all you will need VMWare Workstation. There are many different versions. But you will need a Serial! Which you can find by searching Google.
Click here for VMWare 7.0.14--->VMware Workstation 7.0
You can Google for other versions. But this one is the most used!
After getting VMWare ready to go you will download Winscp!
Click here for WinSCP -->Download WinSCP from SourceForge.net
Next will be the server files!(please Private message me if the link is dead)
Click here for the server files ---> Server Files
Here is the Game Client download.(This is what you use to play the game!)
Download link--> Папка 4shared - Мой 4shared
Client uploaded by Drakn!
Now time to set it up!
First off you will go into your VMWare options and click on vnet0. Connect your VMWare with your most active Ethernet device. Aka wi-fi, or Lan.
After doing that unrar the server files and stick them somewhere that you will remember. After doing this go into your VMWare and open your server files! Do this by clicking the first option at the top right of VMWare.
After opening the server files right click the server slot that pops up and set your connection type too custom, selection vnet0.
Save then start your server!
After everything loads the information to log in will be Usernme:root Password:root.
After you sign in type ifconfig.
The I.P that pops up write it down because you will need it later for many things!
Port forwarding help
Go into your router settings via website and log in!
Click on port forward options!
port forward these ports:
Use the I.P the VMWare gave you as the port forward I.P!
After saving everything make sure you know what your main I.P is! Because that will be used to connect too your server via other players.
If you do not know what your I.P is then go here! What's My IP
Most people on Lan does not need to port forward! meaning you can go ahead and make your server online!
Common questions:
Why do I need WinSCP?
A: Most patches has to do with the server side! you use the I.P that Winscp gave you to connect, you have to transfer your elements.data and ghsop.data over to your server side in location "/usr/rain/gamed/config/".
After doing that start your server!!!
Next go into your client side! Go into Elements folder/userdata/server/serverlist.txt edit the I.P listings too your I.P. After doing that change the port, it will say "29020" Change it too 29000. You can also change the name of your server there as well! Save it then your ready for the last part.
After your server has completely started you can log in!!
I have already made you a default character to play around on!
Username: Rose
Password: 357zelda
For tools check out my other thread called "All the major JD tools you will need!"
For the Hamachi Server Tutorial look below!(optional)
Originally Posted by legendaryegoist
Okey Girls and Boys Lets Rock
go winscp and http://files.hamachi.cc/linux/hamach...-20-lnx.tar.gz copy your home :) in linux and now set your wmware to bridge and>>\---------
start Henmoro's RedHat Linux !!!
and now login write : setup and 2.=network setup :) click frist and select frist and OK go restart and ifconfig and now you online :) go cd /home cd ./hamachi and hamachi makeinstall :) and tuncfg start and init idk wth start and hamachi start and hamachi set-nick and join :) or make another love:
Note: If you have any issue's/bugs or so forth take a look below!
Originally Posted by bob005
Over past months in all my work with JD servers I have faced many problems. I think some of you might also face this problem in future or you are faceing them right now. So, here I will give you the problems and the ways to fix them.
1. Situation: gacd and authd not found when starting the server. Although they are there in the respective folder where they should.
Sol: This mainly occurs when you try to use a 64bit linux on VMWare. So common solution is to switch to a 32 bit linux. I recommend 32 bit ubuntu server edition for JD server.
2. Situation: gameDB failed for too long to cause error importing the toptable.
Sol: Now this one is because the gamedbd did not start atall. It can be caused by error in gamesys.conf file in gamedbd or corrupt clsconfig or corrupt gamedatabase.
To fix errors in gamesys.conf open it and check the path of storage and storagewdb to see if they point to your dbhomewdb folder. If they dont then replace those paths with the actual path of your dbhomewdb folder.
To fix corrupt clsconfig, use terminal and goto the gamedbd folder. Then run "./gamedbd gamesys.conf exportclsconfig" without the quotes. This will export new clsconfig from game database.
To fix corrupt database, you can try the following command "./gamedbd gamesys.conf repairdb" without the quotes.
3. Situation: authd error java not found.
Sol: This can be caused by invalid permissions or the fact that the linux does not have JRE( Java Runtime Environment ) installed. To fix chmod the java folder with 777 and recursion. To install the JRE follow your linux's community's advice. I recommend Installing openJDK 6.
4. Situation: gameDB crashes after running for awhile.
Sol: This can be caused by low amount of RAM or corrupt gamedb. JD server needs atleast 1.5GB RAM to run properly. You can run with only only 1 GB RAM too but the more ram you have the more performance you get under heavy load. But, if your gamedb is corrupt, to fix it, you can try the following command "./gamedbd gamesys.conf repairdb" without the quotes.
If you have any more problem that you dont have solutions, please post them here, I will try to solve them, and If you have suggestions on the existing solutions please feel free to post aswell.
Below is a video guide for setting the server up. Please note that if you are still having issues to feel free to post all the necessary information on your issue so we can help you.
Downlaod Guide
You will need to download the video Guide.
There you go! if you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread :)
Some people are having a MYSQL server lockup with this server when 1500+ character tables are made, If you have a solution to this feel free to post it in this thread.