
Gate To Heavens

My release includes all files necessary to create your own server.

BINARY FILES + VC6 + VC6SP6 + DXSDK + UNPACK TOOL ( NEW 05/04/2012 ) :

MS SQL Server 2008 ( Express edition ) :

With the management of MS SQL 2008 :

You will need download and compile the code ( client / gs / ms ) the output compiled binary will go to the folder ( Exe in each project ) .
For download the code then compile the code to get the Client.exe , GameServer.exe and MasterServer.exe : you will need : turtoiseHG who is avalaible at :

64 bits system :

32 bits system :

The updated source code is available at:

TUTORIAL MOVIE #1 ( Compilation and Installation Settings ) :

ftp://gth:gth@ ( UP )
Movie.rar ( UP )

TUTORIAL MOVIE #2 ( Patcher and Final Configuration ) :

ftp://gth:gth@ ( UP )

Changelog ( new : 05/21/2012 ) :
* Comments korean cleaned
* Screenshot function review
* CPU 100% eating patched
* ODBC Username and PW are not anymore in code it's under server.cfg
* CPU 100% MS lib / updated
* 1 GTH client allowed only
* Check Wear Position for dont let weapon in Ring Slot
* Blank Patch #1
* Copy Metod #1 patched
* General lags caused by Loop problems fixed
* Max monster increase to 4000
* Network review : Parameter : LANSERVICE_IP added to MS . ( Allowing of start a server on a normal computer )
* NEW GM system ( Need only turn GameMaster to 1 in table gth_game --> tb_game to the character to make him GM at all )
* translation bug from client and game server patched
* 5 folder for 5 gameserver and all world working has been added to release
* Lack of monster in liberty heavens has been patched
* CMD of GM missed added back with GM patch
* GTH_Setup review ( removing of /win who is included in GTh_Setup.exe )
* DX Screen APp review . ( moving windowed client + removing Sound + review of the windows mode and fully removing the fullscreen client )
* DB Change ( some column ... has been added to works with online premium website shop )
* CPU optimized sleep from 1 to 10
* CMD GM patched + chat working back + comment .
* IP for connect your server stored in config.ini ( no need code change anymore )
* Launcher has been added , need start your gth from gth.exe
* Launcher/Patcher configuration are stored also in config.ini
* Speedhack using memory editing tools is patched
* No range using Memory editing tools Patched
* Speedhack memory tools #2 patched

Current works for next release :
* Website ( with full shop and payment system ( paypal / allopass ) preview : Gate to Heavens By lucky to RZ
* Build options
* multiple server side patch against some fix of game.

If you want a patch about something , just post on this thread i will give the patch.

Game screenshot :

