[Guide] for ep 2.2 [Flysis] (At some peoples requests)
The following guide will give you enough knowledge to setup and run a Ace Online/ Air Rivals private server.
Step 1: Getting the files you need.
ACEServer Episode 2.2 Files
-If you need a flysis client, download it from here:
Games On Net File Library :: Flysis Full Client - FLYSISsetup_1009.exe
-Download SQL 2k5 or 2k8, it's up to you. Out of personal preference, i use 2k5.
Go to Database Management | Data Mining & Warehousing | Microsoft SQL Server to get the trial version of SQL 2k8. Try to avoid getting Express if possible (It has a limitation on DB restores.
-Download Hamachi. It will give you a Virtual IP which will be used to connect to the server. You can download it from https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi2/ . Install it and run through the set up. Once running, click the power button. You'll have to create a Hamachi ID, it doesn't really matter what it is. Then, It'll ask you whether you want to Create a network or Join an existing one. Choose to create a new one, name it, give it a password. You're done with Hamachi for now.
Step 2: Setting up the server (Flysis/Server folders).
-Once extracted, go into the Flysis Server 2.2 folder. You should see 9 other folders inside (bin, config, DB_BAKS, htdocs, Lib, log, map, SCMonitor, SCVoIP) along with odbx_x86 / 64 and a README file. The README is a little Engrishy, but if you wanna read it go ahead.
-Go into the config folder and look for the file named global.cfg. Open it using Notepad.
-The top two IPs that say, change it to say your Hamachi IP (It'll start with a 5). This isn't completely necessary, you can just set it up as a (Which for those of you who don't know, that means local host) However, this guide is made for people who want others to connect to your server (Say, a friend comes over and wants to play too, or some Ventrilo friends, take your pick). So for the sake of the guide, do the Hamachi IP.
If done right, it should look as follows:
Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
-Now you're going to do a bit of copying, bare with me. It's going to sound a bit awkward reading it (Alot easier hearing how to do it), but i'll use pictures to try and help guide you through it.
What you're going to want to do is open up the server folder, go to the map folder. Now you're going to open up Flysis Client, and go to Flysis/Res-Map. Copy all of the map files from that to your server.
-Go into the Res-Obj folder, and copy all of those files into the ./map/Res-Obj folder in the server.
-Now go back a folder in your flysis folder, go to Res-Map. Now go back a folder in your server. Copy ALL of the DATs to the clients Res-Map folder, and ONLY the .DATs in the server.
Now you should be set with the files that you needed to copy over to both the client and the server. Now on to SQL Side of things!
Step 3: Setting up the server (SQL Side of things).
-Moving right on to SQL side of things, the installation is fairly simple, so i'm not going to walk you through it. You're a big kid, running your own server and stuff, i think you can figure it out. (When it asks what you want to install, select all. USe NT/System Authority, and Add current user for anything after that. Install it and you should be on your way. Figured i'd just give an overview
-Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, click on SQL Server Network Configuration, and click on Protocols for MSSQLSERVER. Right click TCP/IP Settings. It should look like the following:
Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
If it doesn't make it look like that.
Now go over to the IP Addresses tab, and since you have Hamachi installed, the IP should already be there.
Make it Active if it isn't, Enable it, and change the Port to 9979. When you click okay, it will say that the service will have to be restarted for the changes to be applied.
Go to Start, type in services.msc, and scroll down until you find MSSQL Server, Restart it and you should be good.
-Now open up the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right click on Databases, and chose the restore option. if done successfully, you'll get to this screen:
Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
All you have to do now is restore the databases. Do as follows:
Enlarge this image
Once you restore atum2_db_1, do the same for atum2_db_account:
Enlarge this image
Now you're set for that side of things. To make an account, go to Databases, atum2_db_account, Tables, and right click on dbo.td_Account, select "Edit top 200 rows"
You'll see a default account named Admin, you can add an account by typing in its:
AccountType (0= Normal user, 128= GM, 256= Helper)
Now you're almost done, all you have to do now is add the odbc's and compile a batch file.
Step 4: Setting up the ODBC's
-What you have to do now is go to your server folder, and double click on the file named odbc_x86 (or x64 for you 64 bit users out there). It'll ask if you're sure, just say yes. Now go to Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC). Click on the Systm DSN tab, there should be 5 entries. Only worry about the top 4. Double click the first one, you'll want to edit the Server Name part. Where it says, put in the name of your server like so:
Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
Click finish and test it. If it passes successfully, do the same for the next 3. Once all are done and successfully tested, congratulations. Only one more step to go.
Step 5: Getting the Batch file
If you don't know how to make a batch file, just use the following program and method:
Quick BFC: http://www.abyssmedia.com/downloads/quickbfc.exe
Install and start the Program.
Now Type in:
echo off
start Launcher.atm (YOURIP)
Click on Embedded Files and Browse for your FLYSIS.ico (in your game folder).
Now click -> Project -> Compile.
Save it in your Game Folder as .exe
Now you can try to start your own compiled Start.exe
Mine for example was:
echo off
start Launcher.atm
You're going to use that Start.Exe to get the client to connect to your server. Now you're pretty much done. All you have to do is bring the server online. To do that, all you gotta do is go to the bin folder in your server, and open up, in this order, Preserver, IM Server, LogServer, Field Server, and then NPC Server. First three take next to nothing to boot, Field takes a little long and so does NPC. If you open task manager, and it says not responding, don't freak out. That means the server is actually booting up. Once Field server comes online you can launch into the game.