Hello I'm here today to tell you how to set up a spriting npc in your server!
Basically it will look something like this:
If you use the source provided on this forum, you prob already have the code for the spriter so dont worry its easy to add!
But here is the basics of the code;
In Server>org.pokenet.server.backend.entity>NonPlayChar.java
Your going to find something like this:
Essentially it checks, if the name equals "Spriter" and if it does, then it knows to show the SpriteSelectMessage./* If this NPC is a sprite selection npc */ if(m_name.equalsIgnoreCase("Spriter")) { p.setSpriting(true); TcpProtocolHandler.writeMessage(p.getTcpSession(), new SpriteSelectMessage()); return; }
The sprite select message code is located at Client>org.pokenet.client.ui.frames>SpriteChooserDialog.java
and looks something like this;
Here you can change the way the gui looks and the text that will be displayed on the gui.package org.pokenet.client.ui.frames; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import mdes.slick.sui.Button; import mdes.slick.sui.Frame; import mdes.slick.sui.Label; import mdes.slick.sui.event.ActionEvent; import mdes.slick.sui.event.ActionListener; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.gui.GUIContext; import org.pokenet.client.GameClient; import org.pokenet.client.backend.FileLoader; import org.pokenet.client.ui.base.ConfirmationDialog; import org.pokenet.client.ui.base.ListBox; public class SpriteChooserDialog extends Frame { protected ListBox m_spriteList; protected Label m_spriteDisplay; protected String m_mustLoadSprite; private List<String> m_sprites; private InputStream m_stream; private String m_respath; public SpriteChooserDialog() { getContentPane().setX(getContentPane().getX() - 1); getContentPane().setY(getContentPane().getY() + 1); m_sprites = new ArrayList<String>(); m_respath = System.getProperty("res.path"); if(m_respath==null) m_respath=""; for (int i = 1; i <= 218; i++) { m_sprites.add(String.valueOf(i)); } /* * Handle blocked sprites */ try { InputStream in; in = FileLoader.loadFile(m_respath+"res/characters/sprites.txt"); Scanner s = new Scanner(in); while(s.hasNextLine()) { m_sprites.remove(s.nextLine()); } s.close(); m_spriteDisplay = new Label(); m_spriteDisplay.setSize(124, 204); m_spriteDisplay.setLocation(105, 20); getContentPane().add(m_spriteDisplay); m_spriteList = new ListBox(m_sprites, false) { @Override protected void itemClicked(String itemName, int idx) { super.itemClicked(itemName, idx); m_mustLoadSprite = m_respath+"res/characters/" + itemName + ".png"; } }; m_spriteList.setSize(105, 317); getContentPane().add(m_spriteList); setTitle("Please choose your character.."); getCloseButton().setVisible(false); setSize(265, 340); setResizable(false); setDraggable(false); setVisible(true); initUse(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //No sprites to handle. } } public void initUse() { final SpriteChooserDialog thisDialog = this; Button use = new Button("Use new sprite!"); use.pack(); use.setLocation(130, 245); getContentPane().add(use); Button cancel = new Button("Cancel"); cancel.pack(); cancel.setLocation(130, 280); getContentPane().add(cancel); cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().remove(thisDialog); } }); use.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().remove(thisDialog); final ConfirmationDialog confirm = new ConfirmationDialog("Are you sure you want to change sprites?\nIt'll cost you P500!"); confirm.addYesListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { confirm.setVisible(false); GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().remove(confirm); GameClient.getInstance().getPacketGenerator().writeTcpMessage( "S" + m_spriteList.getSelectedName()); } }); confirm.addNoListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { confirm.setVisible(false); GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().remove(confirm); } }); GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().add(confirm); } }); } public int getChoice() { return m_spriteList.getSelectedIndex(); } @Override public void render(GUIContext container, Graphics g) { super.render(container, g); if (m_mustLoadSprite != null) { try { m_stream = FileLoader.loadFile(m_mustLoadSprite); m_spriteDisplay.setImage(new Image(m_stream, m_mustLoadSprite, false)); } catch (SlickException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_mustLoadSprite = null; } } }
If you look at Server>org.pokenet.server.network>TcpProtocalHandler.java
You will see;
Here u can change how much he will charge the user to change the sprite.else if(p.isSpriting()) { //Sprite changing int sprite = Integer.parseInt(message.substring(1)); /* Ensure the user buys a visible sprite */ if(sprite > 0 && !GameServer.getServiceManager(). getSpriteList().getUnbuyableSprites().contains(sprite)) { if(p.getMoney() >= 500) { p.setMoney(p.getMoney() - 500); p.updateClientMoney(); p.setSprite(sprite); p.setSpriting(false); } } }
Now that the mechanics are explained, lets actually add this npc!
So open the map editor to the map that you want to add it to, im just going to use the Pallet town since its the easiest, now choose a spot you want to put the npc, hover over the spot and get the coordinates for it which are in the bottom left corner of the map editor.
Im going to use coordinates 9,9
Now open your Server>Res>Npc folder, and open the text file coordinating to your map. (mine was 3.1 for pallet town.)
In the first line of the text file add something like this:
However, change the numbers 9 9 to be your coordinates you chose on your map. and 164 to what ever you want him to look like.[npc] Spriter down 164 9 9 NULL 0 -1 6 false false false [/npc]
There you go. Easy peasy, enjoy!