The Nhat Kiem is a famous game in Vietnam and China, with its distinctive features, is a great browser game.
How to Down
Firstly download Turtoise SVN : Click Here
After you down and install, create a folder on C disk called WebGame Nhatkiem
after you created the folder, right click on the folder and select SVN Checkout
After you click SVN Checkout, a new window will prompt the url to download the files, put this url:
Give OK and wait download of the all files, in total, the folder size is 1,7 GB.
How to Install
if you test the server on localhost, you need not do much, just go in Abyss Web Server folder and runabyssws.exe
(Remember not to let any other webserver on port 80, the same goes for mysql)
if the abyss server appears on task bar are because the server is started
acess the game on the link :
you can login on theses accounts:
test01 / test01
test02 / test02
test03 / test03
test04 / test04
test05 / test05
But, if you're make the game in a host, you need to change some things.
Fist, change all "" ips of the server (All .Ini's of folders within the folder YJJHserver)
Do the same with the config.php file (C:\WebGame Nhatkiem\Abyss Web Server\htdocs), db_config.php(C:\WebGame Nhatkiem\Abyss Web Server\htdocs\enter\data)
Also change the connection to the server C:\WebGame Nhatkiem\Abyss Web Server\htdocs\enter\data\upload\serverData.php
Start the five servers in C:\WebGame Nhatkiem\run\
Nhất Kiếm - YouTube
GM Tool
Download : Click Here
you will need of Net Framework 4.0 and the MySQL Connector
Vietnamese Interface
Download table files for Npc's and Mobs : here (put on C:\Abyss Web Server\MySQL\data\wangpudb)
Download NPC Lines : here (put on C:\Abyss Web Server\YJJHserver\link-6\MsgServer\script\NPC and C:\Abyss Web Server\YJJHserver\main\MsgServer\script\NPC)