Hello, this is a tutorial on how to create your own OGame server.
1 - Your own server or a web hosting plan this may include a domain but if not then you may need to ask your supplier to tell you how their domain system works and for pricing details, in some cases you'll get free plans and a sub-domain. you'll need this to host your game. This tutorial will be using cPanel, so for a web hosting package this is required.
2 - A certain level of skill is required, this is optional though, if you do have any issues post a reply here or post a separate thread.
1) Okay, let's get started. For the first step you will need to create a database to store your information.
Click the icon here, you should find this after logging into cPanel:
Then you will need to enter your database name, for example "ogame":
After doing this you will need to create a user account you will find this here, enter a username and a password, and click enter you should then have a user account:
Just below this you will find an add user to database option, after doing this you will have your own database configured.
2) Here you will need to setup the server files, first download the files here
then you will be required to upload it to your file manager. Found here:
Then you will need to upload the .zip file you have just downloaded, you will see a upload icon on the top bar, you will then have to select the file to upload after doing so and the upload completed click the go back option, you will then see a file on the file manager called xChrome.zip, you will need to right click on it and select the extract option:
You will then have a folder called "xChrome", then go to your site, it should be yourdomain.com/xChrome/install you will have a page asking you to enter some information. Leave the pre-entered information alone, you will only have to enter your database information which you entered previously, then click enter and it should work!