colinux set up the perfect server tutorial
The first step: Configure colinux.
Colinux download the latest installation package and install colinux. (Do not worry about installing colinux system resources, because it does not run when the virtual network cards installed in a disconnected state, do not feel the impact on system performance. There colinux use in windows7 and xp under almost no difference. ) change it after installing colinux virtual network card to connect the name of my modified "eth0", easy to identify.
The first step: Configure colinux.
Colinux download the latest installation package,
1 Download and install coLinux- website Cooperative Linux
2 Download and install WinPcap_4_1_2.exe website WinPcap - Home
3 The partition image to download and install ubuntu9.04 official website Cooperative Linux
Provide the link to download from Cooperative Linux installed ubuntu9.04 partition image, you need to extract the English catalog to place. I was in "c: \ zmwmsf", modify as you want the file name and extension (I modified zmwmsf)
Now you need a custom colinux configuration file, you can get into any English name, and suffix, but suffix to identify and recommend you to remain in the modified read-only attribute. (I own is the name of this file is defined as zm.txt)
# The following line of the path to point to the path you installed colinux the vmlinux file, which is the result of changes in colinux
# Linux running on the core part of it belongs to colinux is part of linux.
kernel = "vmlinux"
# The following line to point to the installation path of the initrd.gz file colinux
initrd = "initrd.gz"
# Define colinux the maximum memory. I only allocate 512M is very fluent
mem = 512
# Root partition, boot partition and it was
root = / dev/cobd0
# The following is the configuration key, cobd0 is that you download, note that the use # Oh, after decompression. I renamed the.
cobd0 = "zmwmsf"
# Following line is used to swap used. In fact, any file can be. As long as the file size is large enough, can be executed in the specified format as colinux swap. After you put the unzipped renamed it wants to use. My file name was changed to swap
cobd1 = "swap"
# Now, ask your server price moved to a folder below it! I was c: \ zmwmsf \ pwserver. Colinux configuration file and then add this line inside:
cofs0 = "pwserver"
# Here is the card set
eth0 = slirp,, tcp: 29000:29000 / tcp: 90:80 / tcp: 443:443 / tcp: 22:22 / tcp: 8080:9090 / tcp: 1433:1433 / tcp: 3306:3306
# Eth1 = pcap-bridge,
This your first configuration file configured.
Step two:
Then use Notepad to create a new file, save the time saved as bat extension.
colinux-daemon.exe - install-driver
colinux-daemon.exe-t nt@zm.txt kernel = vmlinux initrd = initrd.gz
(Note that this class of words in brackets do not copy, just need to modify the code in the @ zm.conf at this zm.conf originally zm.conf it into what you do here on the corresponding name change)
It's that simple. Now you can run the batch has already started to see colinux.
After login colinux (username password are: root)
Enter: mkswap / dev/cobd1, formatted into a swap partition.
Then start winscp, connection, find the / etc / fstab, double-click to open, add two lines:
/ Dev/cobd1 none swap defaults 0 0
0 / root / mkdir PW_Geckos cofs defaults 0 0
After adding this line to save, you can make the swap partition automatically mounted at boot time. Meanwhile, cofs0 specified folder under windows will be automatically mapped to the / root / pwserver directory, can be accessed as in colinux under windows file.
This is something you can reboot the system: reboot
Then enter: swapon-s
See if the swap is being used there, it means you have succeeded.
Colinux by alt F2 to switch to the second console, the same login as root, type: apt-get update, then immediately press alt F1 to switch to a console, enter: netstat-antp see ip address. You can see below in the Foreign Address column address of the beginning of a 10, now write down the address. It is your colinux to access the windows in the mssql database ip address.
Configuring the PATH and CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME variables:
CLASSPATH is the most important fact.
In the inside of your server to find the beginning of a jdk folder, copy to cofs specified windows directory, a simple name change (such as jdk, do not change too). Then change the JAVA_HOME variable value specified for this cofs folder under the path in ubuntu.
Copy the library files into / lib folder below (you can install in each service package which side of the library to find these files, the file name:, libstdc. So.5,,
Copy msSQLjdbc folder to the java folder below
In / root / .bash_profile file Add the following, note that the actual path of change:
JAVA_HOME = your java install path (see above how to say)
PATH = $ PATH: $ JAVA_HOME / bin
CLASSPATH =.: $ JAVA_HOME / lib / dt.jar: $ JAVA_HOME / lib / tools.jar: $ JAVA_HOME/lib/mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar: $ JAVA_HOME / msSQLjdbc / lib / msbase.jar: $ JAVA_HOME / msSQLjdbc / lib / mssqlserver.jar: $ JAVA_HOME / msSQLjdbc / lib / msutil.jar
Note that if you do not find these in the java directory the jar file, you need to people inside the server path which corresponds to the extraction.
OK, this is a good system even if the configuration
The appropriate configuration file into the / etc folder, modify the database connection is good ip address, user name and password.
Also the corresponding key. Ip address connecting to the database is down 10 at the beginning of your ip address.
Now configure your server, you are not only the ip address, as well as the path.
You need to modify the authd configuration file. In cauthd / build / authd, amended as follows:
#! / Bin / sh
cd / root / PWd / authd / build
java-cp .. / lib / jio.jar: .. / lib / application.jar: ../lib/commons-collections-3.1.jar: ../lib/commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar:. ./lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar: ../lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar: ../lib/log4j-1.2.9.jar:.: $ CLASSPATH authd / etc / table. xml
Finally, change it to start the service side of the batch, modify the corresponding paths on the line.
Modify the program to connect with winscp execute permissions, and then, in the windows start mssql, you can start the server in colinux up.
This set up is complete.
IP Note
pwserver \ gacd \ gamesys.conf the IP to
\ Pwserver \ glinkd \ gamesys.conf the IP to (according to the FF-side change)
etc \ authd.conf the IP to
pwserver \ gamed \ gmserver.conf
pwserver \ gamed \ gs.conf
pwserver \ gamed \ gs_rollback.conf
pwserver \ gamed \ gsalias.conf
pwserver \ gamedbd \ cashstat.conf
pwserver \ gamedbd \ gamesys.conf
pwserver \ gdeliveryd \ gamesys.conf
pwserver \ gfactiond \ gamesys.conf
pwserver all the conf files under the IP is changed
\ Usr \ local \ jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 \ webapps \ iweb \ WEB-INF \ classes \ iweb.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gamedbd \ gamesys.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ uniquenamed \ gamesys.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ glinkd \ gamesys.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ logservice \ logservice.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gfactiond \ gamesys.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gdeliveryd \ gamesty.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gamed \ gmserver.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gamedbd \ gmserver.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gamed \ gs_rollback.conf
\ Root \ pwserver \ gacd \ gamesys.conf
etc \ authd.conf
etc \ gmserver.conf
Execute permission
chmod 777-R - recursive / root / authd
chmod 777-R - recursive / root / pwserver
chmod 777-R - recursive / usr / java
chmod 777-R - recursive / usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9
chmod 777-R - recursive / root /
chmod 777-R - recursive / root/
chmod 777-R - recursive / root /
chmod 777-R - recursive / root/
chmod 777-R - recursive / root /
chmod 755-R / root / PW_Geckos
End in question have less halo library. . .
OK success
Machine can not stand the 512-point mount too much garbage piecemeal
Background site
Registration Account (I take 80 port)
Network so that it is good to poor old background
TWGM I engage in a
Each side of the start method is not the same as execute permission to change the path their way to a good start FB would like to save trouble to change the words of their own directly extract files from the FF side bar! !