Credits goes to SEModer for assembling such a nice package... and Rusran from previous deleted guide...
* This installation is intended to any Linux version (Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat..)
* If you are using a desktop installation Gnome, Kde, etc... keep in mind you have to use the shell as root: "su root"...
-> Assuming that you just did a fresh installation of any Linux...
First steps:
Initial preparation:
# apt-get update
Install the SSH server:
# apt-get install openssh-server
Install the JAVA:
# apt-get install openjdk-6-jre (about 150mb)
# apt-get install openjdk-6-headless (about 95mb)
Necessary packages:
# apt-get install apache2
# apt-get install mysql-server
# apt-get install php5
# apt-get install php5-mysql
# apt-get install php5-cgi
# apt-get install phpmyadmin
# apt-get install mc
Server Files
Mirrors: Uploading, Freaskshare
Maps:Uppit,Alterupload,Minus,2shared (credits to Souris)
Client Files
Mirrors: Uploading
1. Unpack the Server files direct to the root
2. Open the file /root/glinkd/gamesys.conf and change the 4 initial IP as bellow:
address= <- change to your IP
address= <- change to your IP
address= <- change to your IP
address= <- change to your IP
3. Open the file /etc/hosts
Code: kunbuntu <- change back to your server name previous configured
4. Change the permissions of /root/ to 777
# chmod 777 /root/
5. Execute the file /root/
# /root/
6. Open the bellow files and do the necessary changes to match your server:
7. You are now with the basic settings OK.
Creating the data base:
1. Using any browser and go on http://server-ip/phpmyadmin and sign up as root
2. Import the mysql_tables.sql from SQL folder.. and press GO
3. Now select the pw database that you just created and go on SQL
4. Paste the contents the file mysql_procedures.sql in to it and change "delimiter" from ; to $$... and press GO
5. Your database is now set.
6. Go on http://server-ip/register/register.php and register any account of your choice
Executing the server:
1. Make the Jetty daemon running with:
# /root/jetty/jettyservice start
you can also add this script to the /etc/init.d/ and call it as a basic service if you want
2. You are now good to run your server, but theres two options:
# /root/ (basic running... good to following the real-time movement)
# /root/ (silence mode... the STDOUT/STDERR will be filled into the log files)
3. If you want to stop the server:
# /root/ (pretty obivious ;] )
4. With the Jetty running you will be able to connect to:
IWEB: http://server-ip:8080/iweb/role
pwAdmin: http://server-ip:8080/pwAdmin
* Just make sure to check their configurations before!
Enthrallment Protocol?!
* Its a new service introduced on the newer versions of the AUTHD
* Its some kind of *testing* schema or event system
* The previous release by SEModer had it working already good except for a check function with the UserLogout
* I replaced with some other files so the new authd can run fine...
* still missing tho...
* If you want to test what this protocol does, follow the instructions:
-> rename the /root/mauthd/build/protocol_original to /root/mauthd/build/protocol
-> open the /etc/authd.conf and change enable_enthrallment to true
-> restart your server
-> Now every user loged will see an yellow/green icon on top-middle screen showing an switching timer... this timers defines how long you can play the game
and how long you will do *nothing*.. yes.. you will be meditating... not sure whats exactly this function stands for... but its pretty useless anyway.
* Im using the V580 client, wich is very compatible and requires almost no changing/fixing... if you want go ahead and try others versions.. its your call...
just keep in mind the highest is you client version the more you will *probably* needing of fixes and patchings.. just like the 1.3.6.. so try at you own risk =]
* I recommend you to start without the full map configuration... try get used the new things first...
* You can NOT set the EXP bonus like before... theres only two ways to do this at the moment...
1. You can use an Elements and increases all the mob EXPs;
2. You can use the ninja-style and hex-edit the GS... but for that you have to have
some knowledge;
3. OR.. you can use IWEB and set the double-exp wich seems to be limited to 10 only
* Theres absolut no diference with the client/server files listed bellow
Code: (same files in client/server, patched from V580) (same files in client/server, original from V580) (same files in client/server, original from V580) (same files in client/server) (same files in client/server)
* This package is far from being a final release or perfect... but as the situation goes... looks like it will be the best that you will get for awhile...
* At the moment theres no stable way to change the game functionalitys (not to the public at least), you can use the IWEB or pwAdmin (both on the package) or any other manager of yor choice, but keep in mind you will be alot frustrated and probably pulling some hair off your skull... have some patience and try again... or have some patience and go study the other existent solutions trought *Search Button*... or you can ask nicely and maybe someone on the forum can help you... BUT remmeber at the present day everthing still very new (at least to the *public*) and most of the people are trying to figure the solutions by themselves, so.. have some more patience and try again =]
* If you never managed to get an 1.2.6 server working, its pretty obivious you are on the wrong place and should study more the older package versions!