
RaiderZ Online

INDEX.1. - Introduction
.1a. - Version Notes
.2. - Files and Links Needed
.3. - Recommended Setup
.3a. - Alternate Setup
.4. - Installing and configuring MSSQL 2008
.5. - Configuring server
.6. - Web Registration
.7. - Client Modification

.1. Introduction
Hello, I have been messing with these files a little and would like to present my vanilla release and setup guide.

These files contain no mods and also were stripped of all unnecessary files. (making the download much smaller)

If you would like to upload mirrors please do so! The more the better for the community. If you are unable to access any of my links in your ISP region please let me know what sites work for you and I will work on another mirror for you.


.1a. Version Notes

1.0 - Completed setup guide to get server functional

To Do - Web Registration Guide (files already included in 1.0)
- Client Modification (Launcher Making etc...)

.2. Files and Links Needed

Lets start you out with getting the proper files needed before you begin setting up
MSSQL 2008 R2
XAMMP 1.7.3
Server Files *Updated 1/7/2013
Server Files Mirror
Game Client
Register Script (By Randym)

.3. Recommended Setup

If you are planning on playing with a few friends and plan on hosting the server on your own machine you should consider using a product like VMWARE to emulate a server without installing a ton of extra stuff on your own computer. I will not provide support or setup instruction for VMWARE considering there is more than enough support on their site. With the link I provided you will need to register (free) and download their software (also free). Obtain your own copy of which ever windows operating system you prefer. I state this as the preferred method because it is the most secure for you and your private information. After you have VMWARE installed continue to .4.

.3a. Alternate Setup

If you do not wish to use VMWARE or you are installing the server on a standalone server continue to .4.

.4. - Installing and configuring MSSQL 2008

I am borrowing a majority of the MSSQL 2008 Setup from sockie who has a guide posted in the sticky section. Why re-create the wheel - his guide is perfect.

Step 1:

Install Microsoft SQL 2008 R2

Click next all the way till Database Engine Configuration

Security Mode — select Mixed Mode Authentication
Username - sa
Password - whatever you want
Server Name - RAIDERZSQL

Step 2:

Extract Database and the server files.

Open up Microsoft SQL 2008 R2

You will be presented with this:

Follow the screenshot, password would be the one you input @ step 1.

Once your done, we can move on to creating the database.

Right click Database:

Select New database, database name would be: RZ_ACCOUNTDB
Do the same for RZ_GAMEDB and RZ_LOGDB

Now you got the databases setup, but you still need to restore them.


To database -> RZ_ACCOUNTDB
Select 'From device:' and select the RZ_ACCOUNTDB.BAK from where you had extracted it in the starting of step 2.

After that, go the OPTIONS in the top left hand corner.

Tick: 'Overwrite the existing database'

Do this for RZ_GAMEDB and RZ_LOGDB also.

Now right click RZ_ACCOUNTDB and click Properties.
When the window pops up, click on options and match my settings
(you will need this so that web registration works)

Now we are done for the database.

Step 3:

Setting up ODBCAD

Go to start>run type odbcad32.exe

Click System DSN tab.

Click Add

Click SQL Server Native client 10.0 and click finish

Name: whatever you want
Description: whatever you want
Server: YOURCOMPUTERNAME\RAIDERZSQL (remember this you will need it later)

NOTE: You can find your computer name by right clicking computer in the start menu and clicking on properties.

Click next, tick SQL Server authentication

Login ID: sa
Password: whatever you input in step 1

Click next

Tick Change the default database to:

and select RZ_ACCOUNTDB and click your done.

.5. Configuring Server

Ok let's start by editing the config files
Open Up you AppServer folder and double click on Server.ini
I've done the liberty of adding in commented examples any line that has a ; infront is an example how how it should look when you are done.

Remember the blue text in the MSSQL setup section, the part I told you to remember? that is the text you put in the spots that say SERVER = "YOURSQLSERVER"

Your LAN IP you should be able to figure out. If you are even attempting this guide without that basic knowledge..... I recommend Google.

PASSWORD = "password used in step 1 during MSSQL setup"

The same information is required in all server.ini files
However Gameserver2 has one additional string PUBLIC_IP
you can get this by going to
If you would like to use a forward, you may also do so.

After the above steps are completed properly your server will run without error. I create shortcuts to the server .exes and place them all in one location (like my desktop)

.6. Web Registration Setup
(needed files already included in this setup)

.7. Client Modification
Original Connect.rar
Launcher 5.1 Source ( Requires C# to compile )
(client already provided, change connect.ini)
