
Set Level Aion

[Howto] Set instant LV55/LVxx
1. - Start of by going into GameServer\data\static_data and open player_experience_table.xml.

There, you will find a listing of the required amount of experience per level. Replace every single level upto your desired Instant Level, in my case; 55.

<exp>0</exp> <!-- 84528173 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 97508511 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 112426441 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 128909893 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 146070028 --> <!-- Level 50 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 177464778 --> <!-- Level 51 -->
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 204255001--> <!-- Level 52 --> 
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 236485764 --> <!-- Level 53 --> 
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 271392354)--> <!-- Level 54 --> 
 <exp>0</exp> <!-- 341728469--> <!-- Level 55 -->
 <exp>2398328592</exp> <!-- 268283101 -->
 <exp>2696122834</exp> <!-- 297794242 -->
 <exp>3026674442</exp> <!-- 330551608 -->
 <exp>3393586726</exp> <!-- 366912284 -->
 <exp>3800859361</exp> <!-- 407272635 --> <!-- Level 60 -->
2. - Now move to GameServer\config and open your configuration file.

Search for:
gameserver.enable.simple.2ndclass =
And make sure it is set to "true".

3. - Direct yourself to GameServer\src\gameserver\model\gameobjects\player and open

Search for:
private int level =
Set it to 56.

Search for:
if (getPlayerClass() != null && getPlayerClass().isStartingClass())
maxLevel = xx;
Change maxLevel to 56.

4. - Login to your server with a new character and he will be Level 55 upon logging in. You will also be given the choice of secondary class when you create a new character, that being for example Ranger/Assassin etc.
