
Restoring Database Ran Online

Picture Guide for Restoring .bak DB to MS SQL 2005
We all know all video tutorial on YouTube have blocked by Min Communications, so I decide to make a picture guide so newbie understand easier even without a video tutorial, newbie can still follow the guide....

this guide are for those noob and newbie have no idea how to Restoring Database for MS SQL 2005 for any Episode...

1) First of all know where you can put your backup database, so I suggest put in on Drive C where you can easily find..

2) Login to your Microsoft SQL Server Management

3) Now go to the database and create new database

4) Create a database name

5) Now restoring the .bak database just follow the picture

6) go from device

7) then click add

8) find the location of your .bak database see my sample

9) Then hit ok

10) the most common error newbie always encounter ...


12) just use your brain ....

13) easiest way ....

14) copy paste...

15) now you done


17) just follow the step and you won't lost for the remaining .bak database...
