[Tutorial]Adding Hairstyles/Head Fashion
Thought I would write this up as there seems to be some misunderstandings/confusion when dealing with Hairstyles/Head Fashion. You will need a few things, the newest facedata.pck either PWI's or CN's & the newest iconsheets from surfaces.pck that include the new items being entered into elements.data.Start off by entering the new hairstyle/head fashion into elements. There are several places this needs to be done, List [59]:060 Face Textures, List [63]:064 Face Hair Styles, and if you are adding them to an NPC then List [83]:084 Fashion.
List [59]:060 Face Textures
Line 0: Item Number
Line 1: Texture Name
Line 2: "b" .dds
Line 3: "a" .dds
Line 4: Icon Location
Both Line 2 & 3 have the same name, the only difference is the tail end ie. 英伦街头男装头发b01.dds & 英伦街头男装头发a01.dds
All hairstyle textures are contained within the same folder "facedata\时装头饰\头发模型库\Textures\"
List [63]:064 Face Hair Styles
Line 0 : Item Number
Line 1: Hairstyle Name
Line 2: Hairstyle Location
Line 4: Icon Location
All hairstyle files are located in the same folder "facedata\时装头饰\头发模型库\"
List [83]:084 Fashion
Line 14: Hairstyle Link in List [63]:064
Line 15: Texture Link in List [59]:060
As far as the facedata.pck like I said get PWI's or CN's and copy it straight to your client replacing the current one. Unless you have added custom content, simply unpack PWI/CN's surfaces.pck and copy the iconsheets from it to your surfaces.pck. They are located "surfaces.pck.files\surfaces\iconset\" and the files are; iconlist_ivtrf.dds, iconlist_ivtrf.txt, iconlist_ivtrm.dds, iconlist_ivtrm.txt.
If you choose to sell through an NPC, decide what NPC or add new one to elements List [57]:058, add item numbers from List [83]:084 to an NPC Sell list in List [40]:041 and then put that sell list on to the NPC.
Providing dl links for the newest iconsheets from CN along with facedata.pck.
1 facedata.pck
2 iconset