In metin2 server are two (or three) different configs.
1. DB (dbhandler)
this part of server loads and saves data in database
example conf.txt (mostly found in g1/db/conf.txt:
WELCOME_MSG = "DB Server has been started" SQL_ACCOUNT = "host account user pass 0" SQL_PLAYER = "host player user pass 0" SQL_COMMON = "host common user pass 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = "host hotbackup user pass 0" TABLE_POSTFIX = "" BIND_PORT = 15000 DB_SLEEP_MSEC = 10 CLIENT_HEART_FPS = 10 HASH_PLAYER_LIFE_SEC = 600 BACKUP_LIMIT_SEC = 3600 PLAYER_ID_START = 100 PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 70 PLAYER_DELETE_CHECK_SIMPLE = 1 ITEM_ID_RANGE = 2000000000 2100000000 MIN_LENGTH_OF_SOCIAL_ID = 6 #NAME_COLUMN = "gb2312name" #LOCALE = "germany" SIMPLE_SOCIALID = 1 Block "Y/QSB7omi36awq4ctpUxuiwRARM="
WELCOME_MSG - Message shown when starting dbhandler
SQL_ACCOUNT - direct connection to the MySQL db account
SQL_PLAYER - direct connection to the MySQL db player
SQL_COMMON - direct connection to the MySQL db common
SQL_HOTBACKUP - direct connection to the MySQL db hotbackup
(the entries are format "ip/host_of_db_server name_of_db(account/player/common/hotbackup) mysql_user mysql_pass 0", for examlpe "localhost account mydbaccount passwd 0")
TABLE_POSTFIX - leave blank until your tables has postfix
BIND_PORT - on this port will be connected each server process
PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT - max level when it's possible to delete character
other values are not interesting
2a. Login server (auth)
This part take care of login attempts
example CONFIG: (found in g1/auth/CONFIG)
HOSTNAME: auth CHANNEL: 1 PORT: 11002 P2P_PORT: 12000 DB_PORT: 15000 DB_ADDR: localhost TABLE_POSTFIX: ITEM_ID_RANGE: 000000001 000000002 PASSES_PER_SEC: 25 SAVE_EVENT_SECOND_CYCLE: 180 PING_EVENT_SECOND_CYCLE: 180 AUTH_SERVER: master PLAYER_SQL: localhost user pass account COMMON_SQL: localhost user pass common LOG_SQL: localhost user pass log LOCALE_SERVICE: GERMANY
2b. World server (game)
This is main part of server, handles world, players, quests, etc.
example CONFIG:
Because AUTH and GAME configs are similar i'll explain them at once:HOSTNAME: channel1 CHANNEL: 1 PORT: 13000 P2P_PORT: 14000 DB_PORT: 15000 DB_ADDR: localhost MAP_ALLOW: 64 81 112 113 114 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 181 182 183 TABLE_POSTFIX: PASSES_PER_SEC: 25 SAVE_EVENT_SECOND_CYCLE: 180 PING_EVENT_SECOND_CYCLE: 180 PLAYER_SQL: localhost user pass player COMMON_SQL: localhost user pass common LOG_SQL: localhost user pass log #TEST_SERVER: 1 NO_PK: 1 VIEW_RANGE: 8000 CHECK_MULTIHACK: 0 LOCALE_SERVICE: GERMANY #TEST_SERVER: 1 MAX_LEVEL: 250
HOSTNAME - unique name of each process (auth, channel1, channel2, etc.)
CHANNEL - says which channel it will be
PORT - in/out port for conneting for players (unique)
P2P_PORT - port for comunicating with other channels
DB_PORT - binded port in dbhandler
DB_ADDR - ip of server where dbhadnler runs
MAP_ALLOW - list of maps which it loads
PLAYER/COMMON/LOG_SQL - connectiond details for databases
(in auth config is PLAYER_SQL: host user pass account instead of PLAYER_SQL: host user pass player)
TEST_SERVER - allows everyone gm's commands
LOCALE_SERVICE - set your locale's language
MAX_LEVEL - maximal allowed level (since sf 2010)
MAX_STATUS - maximal allowed status (since sf 2010)