
Patch Fieldserver ACE Online 3.5

Patch FieldServer of ep3.5 to enable some gm command!

004F52DE 50 push eax
004F52DF 51 push ecx
004F52E0 E8 9E2F0F00 call 005E8283
004F52E5 8BF0 mov esi, eax
004F52E7 56 push esi
004F52E8 E8 4357F7FF call 0046AA30 ; check disable command
004F52ED 83C4 18 add esp, 18
004F52F0 85C0 test eax, eax
004F52F2 EB 07 jmp short 004F52FB ; jmp---fuck check
004F52F4 33C0 xor eax, eax
004F52F6 E9 7F640000 jmp 004FB77A
004F52FB 68 2C256500 push 0065252C ; ASCII "/ment"
004F5300 56 push esi
004F5301 E8 0A9D0F00 call 005EF010
004F5306 83C4 08 add esp, 8
004F5309 85C0 test eax, eax
004F530B 0F84 86630000 je 004FB697
004F5311 68 2C256500 push 0065252C ; ASCII "/ment"
004F5316 56 push esi
