DayZ:SA Server Installation + Private Hive(saves)
Version:0.44.123800 (V2)
1. Downloading everything
First of all you need to download the server (DayZServerV1.1)
Its in v2 folder DayZServerV1.1.rar
Download my save system (Updated DayZServlet):
Save system:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Mirror 4
Wampp server Your save system will run here
2. Extract the server
(DayZServerV1.1) into the some folder
3. Edit 1start_server.bat
start DayZserver.exe -server -port=2405 -config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -profiles=DayZ_Auto.ChernarusPlus
Edit port you want to server run on (Default is 2302)
4. Edit hosts file (Redirecting servers to your local server.)
Open (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)
At the end of the file add these 2 lines:
5. Time to edit the Wampp
Open up your httpd conf in the directory you installed apache in. In my case (D:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf)
On approx. 154 line remove the #
Before: #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
After: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
6. Save system (Private hive)
Open up your www folder (in my case D:\wamp\www\)
And extract the bss1.rar
You dont need to edit anything in the save system, until you know what are you doing.
7. It should be ready to run!
Open your DayZ Server folder
And run 1start_server.bat
Your server should be running on your (The port you setted in step 3), or on your EXTERNAL IP:PORT