This repack is based off v15 repacks that have been released in the past. I have made minor modifications to create a very simple setup and a bug-free playing experience. This release is for everyone, whether you want a basic v15 playing experience or a stable repack to edit, upgrade, and redistribute!
The executable files included in this repack are compiled from my clean v15 source, which is very similar to Spikensbror's Clean Source, with a few minor edits outlined in the changelog below. You only need to use the source if you plan on modify the source code of the server or client. Otherwise, you can ignore/delete it, or use a different one.
Repack/Client "Patch" Changelog:
Clean v15 Source Changelog (for included binaries):
- Updated header files to prevent potential crashing
- Fixed Mailbox crashing bug
- Fixed Mentor quest dialog bug
Account:To make your own server, you will need:World:
- External Connections allowed by default
- Profiler disabled by default
- Removed "OP" messages from error logs
- Removed GameGuard
- Removed "sunkist" parameter to allow double-click startup
- Changed password salt to "flight"
- Removed Admin/GM coloured names and tags
- Changed back the buff limit to 14 buffs (same as eFlyff)
- Changed default resolution to windowed 800x600
- Changed sound volume to 50% original
- Changed Cache port to 15400
- Changed MSGVER to 00000000
Spikenbror's Changes:
- Applied Pet.cpp patch
- Removed 2nd-password.
An Official v15 Flyff Client Installer
Download Link (859.3 MB): Google Drive or MEGA or GameFront
My v15 Flyff Repack
Download Links: (DO NOT download both – 7z just is better compression for a smaller filesize)
7z File (104.5 MB): MEGA or MediaFire
zip File (174.5 MB): MEGA or MediaFire
SQL Server 2008 Express
Download Link: 32-bit (89.1 MB) or 64-bit (82.5 MB)
SQL Sever 2008 Management Studio Express
Download Link: 32-bit (168.3 MB) or 64-bit (176.5 MB)
Note: You can also use SQL Server & SQL Server Management Studio 2005/2012, as the installation steps are very similar, but I will not support any issues with your 2005/2012 installation.
Server Setup
Step 1: SQL Server Instance Installation
Open up the SQL Server 2008 installation file you have downloaded and select "Installation" from the side panel. Then select "New SQL Server stand-alone installation".
Continue through the installation just by hitting Next, until you get to "Feature Selection" page. The only feature you should select is "Database Engine Services" since the others are not used. Then click Next.
For the "Instance Configuration", LEAVE THE INSTANCE NAME AS SQLExpress. I would only suggest changing this if you are an experienced user. After this, click Next.
For the "Server Configuration", set the Account Name as a NETWORK SERVICE, and leave the start-up type as Automatic. "The SQL Server Browser" should be set as Disabled. After this, click Next.
For the "Database Engine Configuration", select Mixed Mode as the Authentication Mode, and enter a password that you won't forget. This is what you will use for remote access to the database (such as from websites). Also, make sure to add the current user as an "SQL Server Administrator". This will give the current user unlimited access over the database. After this, click Next.
After the successful installation message, you're all done.
Step 2: SQL Server Management Studio Express Installation
This setup is very similar to the SQL Server installation, with a few minor differences. To begin, Open up the SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 installation file you have downloaded and select "Installation" from the side panel. Then select "New SQL Server stand-alone installation".
It will ask if you want to make a new installation or modify your existing instance. This is a little confusing, but you should perform a new installation! After this, click Next.
For the "Feature Selection", make sure that "Management Tools - Basic" is enabled. After this, click Next.
After the successful installation message, you're all done.
Step 3: Database Setup
To setup the database, all you need to do is execute one script and everything will be set-up. No messing with restoring databases, no messing with linked servers, it is all done in one step with my script!
Just open up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to ".\SQLEXPRESS" using Windows Authentication. (If you did change your Instance name for some reason, this will obviously be different!)
Open up the "Repack\Setup\Database\[Setup] Database Script.sql" file with SMSS and just hit Execute on the toolbar. Everything should have been taken care of for you, as long as there were no errors, like shown here:
The only other things you will need to do in SSMS is create a character and/or create GM characters, both of which I have created scripts for. You can create an account now, but you cannot make a GM character until you log-in to the game. A detailed explanation on how to create an account is found below in Additional Information.
Step 4: ODBC Setup
To setup the ODBC connections, follow these steps:
character01 CHARACTER_01_DBF
log01 LOGGING_01_DBF
1. Open "ODBC Data Source Administrator" (built-in Windows application)
2. Under the "User DSN" tab, Click "Add..."
3. Choose "SQL Server Native Client", then "Finish"
4. Enter one NAME from below into the "Name" field
5. Enter your SQL instance into "Server" (default: ".\SQLEXPRESS")
6. Hit next, make sure "With Integrated Windows Authentication" is checked
7. Hit next, and select "Change the default database to:"
8. Use the drop-down menu and select the DATABASE associated with NAME
9. Hit next. No changes need to happen on this screen, so then click "Finish".
10. Click "Test Data Source" afterwards to verify it works.
After setting up all the ODBC connections, it should look something like this:
Step 5: Client/Resource Setup
Client Setup:
Each user/player should install the game client using FlyffUsaSetup_v15.exe. Make sure to uncheck "Run Flyff" at the end of the installation to avoid patching the game, which could make it not work.
No changes need to be made if the server and client are on the same computer (local), but connecting to a remote server (such as a VPN) requires the IP in the client to be changed. I strongly recommend that you test the server locally first to make sure that it works, then using the information located in the "Changing Neuz IP" section under "Additional Information" to change the IP.
Resource Setup:
NONE. There is no need to edit any files or configurations, but applying the patch is recommended (shown below).
Applying the Patch:
The Repack as it is currently is completely clean. It contains no changes or bug-fixes. I recommend installing the patch to make your server run as smooth as possible, but it is not mandatory. The only exception is Neuz.exe (found in Patch\Client folder) since the original Neuz.exe will not work.
To apply the patch, simply copy the files from the "Repack\Setup\Patch\Client" folder to your Client folder, and the files from the "Repack\Setup\Patch\Resource" folder to your Resource folder. Everything should ask to overwrite. Each user/player requires the Client patch, but the Resource patch is only for the person running the server.
Note: If you plan on hosting a public server, I recommend configuring and compiling the PatchClient project in the source and using this to send the patch to each player automatically. There are many guides on how to do this. If only a few people will be connecting to your server, just send them the Patch/Client folder and have them apply the patch themselves.
Step 6: Starting the Server
After setting up your Resource/Client folders, it's time to start the server. All of the configuration files will work as they are, but can be modified to customize your server more.
To start your server, simply run the "Cuvvvie's Basic Server Manager" program, which will automatically launch your server. The first time you launch, you may get a bunch of "Windows Firewall" messages. Just hit "Allow access" to them all.
To start your server manually, go into your "Repack\Program" folder and start each folder in the order they are numbered. Make sure to let each one load before starting the next one.
Additional Information
Putting your Server Online
To put your server online, you need to change your *.ini files slightly, and then port forward if you have a router. If you have are using a VPN, you will still need to change your *.ini files, but there is usually no need to port forward (but if your VPN service blocks the required ports and do not let you forward them, you will not be able to connect).
First, you need to find out your public IP. If you don't know it, visit
Take this IP, and simply replace it where it's pointed out in "Program\AccountServer.ini" (First and Second line) and in "Program\LoginServer.ini" (By "AddCache") - THREE PLACES TOTAL!
After you do this, you'll need to figure out if your ports are open or closed. If you have a router, they're probably closed and you will need to port-forward. Use once again to check if the ports 15400, 23000, and 28000 are open.
If they're open, you're done! To let your friends connect, have them download and install the v15 client just like you did, and also send them the "Patch\Client" folder (or just Neuz.exe if you don't want the patch). Have your friend put your public IP inside of his "Client\neuz.ini" file (where it says ip "", put the public IP between the quotes), and they should be able to connect. Make sure to make an account for them!
If they're closed, you'll need to figure out how to port-forward on your own router, since they're all different. The website is an excellent resource to help you Port Forward for every router model. Since you and I probably don't have the same router, I cannot help you directly.
To port-forward, then you need to find out your local IP. To do this, run "cmd.exe" as an Administrator, type "ipconfig" and press enter. You should be looking for your IPv4 Address that is used on your local network. This is the address of your computer according to your router. Use this picture as a reference:
Here's a picture of what it should roughly look like after you port-forward, using 15400, 23000, and 28000 as the ports and your local IP as the IP address. This tells the router if that someone is trying to connect to the Flyff ports, send them to your computer instead of refusing them.
To let your friends connect, have them download and install the v15 client just like you did, and also send them the "Patch\Client" folder (or just Neuz.exe if you don't want the patch). Have your friend put your public IP inside of his "Client\neuz.ini" file (where it says ip "", put the public IP between the quotes), and they should be able to connect. Make sure to make an account for them!
Account Creation
To create an account, just open up "Database\[Tool] Create Account.sql" in SSMS and fill in the variables for account/password. The salt for the Neuz included in my Repack is "flight", but if you're using a different Neuz, then put that salt there. Once you execute the query, your account is created!
Changing Neuz IP (to connect to a server hosted on a remote computer)
The server IP can be changed by editing neuz.ini or Neuz.exe.
The neuz.ini method should be used if you or just a few people will connect to the server (each user will need to edit their neuz.ini file).
The Neuz.exe method should be used if you are making your server public (changes the default IP in the distributed Neuz.exe).
Neuz.ini method:
The neuz.ini file does not exist in the folder by default, it is automatically generated the first time the client is closed, so simply open Neuz.exe and close it if the file does not exist. Each user should open the file with notepad and edit the line (do not add a new line) that starts with "ip" by putting the server IP within the quotes as shown below:
Neuz.exe method:ip ""
To change the IP within Neuz.exe, so that each client doesn't need to edit neuz.ini manually, you need to download a program called Resource Hacker.
Steps: (after installing Resource Hacker)
1) Open up your Neuz.exe within Resource Hacker
2) Click "String Table" to expand it, then "1", then click on "1042"
3) Edit the IP from to YOUR server IP address
4) Press "Compile Script" when you're done editing it
5) Save Neuz.exe to make the changes final
6) Distribute this new Neuz.exe to anyone that wants to connect
Thank you for following my guide. If there's any missing steps or any steps that are unclear, please let me know. Also, if there are any other mini-guides or other things related to setting up a server that would fit under "Additional Information", let me know and I'll do my best to make it.