Figured I'd do a short tutorial for those having issues
creating a server. Idk how stable the server is I have only had a few
people on my server so you guys will have to test that out. I did not make any
of the files down below, I just put them together for this tutorial, hope this
Demo: ws:// FFA
ws:// Teams
Files you need Chrome Extension Server Browser (Will allow you to
connect to your server without the need of web hosting anything)
Extract the files from into any folder you would
Open cmd prompt and type "npm install ws" (let
this do it's thing, you may see some errors but it's okay.
Open ports 80,443
Open GameServer.js it should be in the folder you extracted files to (use notepad +). Press Ctrl G and go to line 31, here you can
edit your configuration. Once your done, save it and run "Start FFA"
and "Start Teams" (you don't have to run both servers)
Now that your server is online and you have the Agar.IO
chrome extension installed just navigate to and you will see a spot to
type in your server IP.
Type in your server IP like this ws://IPHERE:PORT ( if you
don't do it in that format it will still connect you to your server but you
wont be able to play or see anything at least this is what happened to me).
Changing the port
Change the Server port in Index.js line 47
Other useful links