it's next of my short tutorial which showing how to edit basic things in Cabalmain.exe
What you will need to edit cabalmain.exe property?:
--- Ollydbg
(i hope rz staff won't kill me for that ^^) best version.
--- 010 Sweetscape editor (or other hex editor but i recommend to use 010)
Some knowledge at begining
What is XOR Key?: It's a key which help to make our files safe agaist steal or edits.
Xor key is needed to unpack the .enc files.
XOR Key's address in Cabalmain 374:
What is "load ech's" in cabalmain?: It's a amount of load visual files into our Cabalmain.004A82FA 83F0 57 XOR EAX,57 - 4th xor 004A830C 83F0 67 XOR EAX,67 - 3rd xor 004A831E 83F0 65 XOR EAX,65 - 2nd xor 004A832F 35 92000000 XOR EAX,92 - 1st xor
for ex. if u want load ech's 14 (man14.ech & woman14.ech) you need to change the load in cabalmain to "CMP EAX,0E"
List of all possible loads in cabalmain:005daf38 CMP EAX,0C - Load Man.echs (this load ech's. 12) 005db06a CMP EAX,0C - load Woman.echs (this load ech's 12)
What is "load staff"?: It's an amount of load the wizard "staff" into Cabalmain - Not tested u do at ur ownCMP EAX,0A = 10 CMP EAX,0B = 11 CMP EAX,0C = 12 CMP EAX,0D = 13 CMP EAX,0E = 14 CMP EAX,0F = 15 CMP EAX,10 = 16
What is "Remove file check ENC"?: FIle check is related to xData if u dont know how to setup it and u have problem with start game cause appear error "File corrupted or missing" just remove it from cabalmain. Below u have address and what to do:008D4E81 => 1h_staff_%s.efx 008D4EF3 => 1h_staff_%s_15.efx
Copyright @PunkS7yle004A0C84 . 74 0D JE SHORT cabalmai.004A0C93 -------> Press space on it and write NOP and press enter 004A0C86 . 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 004A0C88 . 74 09 JE SHORT cabalmai.004A0C93 -------> Press space on it and write NOP and press enter
What is "Auction 4 slot load"?: It's allow to add 4 sloted items into Auction House
Someone release it but i can't find the thread, i had it in notepad. If u read it PM ME so i can add copyrights.006F83e8 jl 006F8358=> Press space and change the value to NOP and press enter 006F8890 jl 006F87FE=> Press space and change the value to NOP and press enter
What is husky?: "husky" is a startup command in Cabalmain, it allow to open the game and connect to server using language.enc. To avoid stealing ur work or smth u can change the husky command to other 5 character word.
What is breaklee?: as up its startup command in cabalmain, it allow to open the game and connect to server using internal.txt. Breaklee allow to use SPECIAL commands for all users. To avoid connecting with breaklee command better is remove it from cabalmain.
Ok enought knowledge, now let's start editing the Cabalmain, firstly we start with edit the "husky" command
Open Cabalmain.exe in 010 Sweetscape editor (Remember that cabalmain must be unpacked) now press ctrl+f and serach for word "husky" u should find just one result.
Now in ASCII (right side) edit the command by REPLACING EACH LETTER (DO NOT USE BACKSPACE).
You can use just 5 bytes for the new command, it can be everything.
Save & Exit - now u start ur game with new startup command.
Let's now REMOVE the "breaklee" startup command, as up open Cabalmain in 010 editor.
Press ctrl+f and serach for word "breaklee" u should find just one result.
Now in left window side (hex) REPLACE each bytes of the breaklee world with "00"
Save & Exit - now the breaklee command is disabled.
Ok, let's now start with Ollydbg, open cabalmain using ollydbg (remember cabalmain must be in folder where u have placed cabal files) also remember to run ollydbg as Admin!.
If u have already loaded cabalmain in ollydbg now Press "Ctrl+G" and put address where u want to jump.
Let's change the xor keys so. Ctrl + G and put adress "004A832F" and press enter.
Here u have to edit 4 xor keys, just press on each xor SPACE and change the XOR EAX,85 to your new key, after change press enter and close the window, do the same with all other keys. When u change them all Right Click mouse somewhere -> Copy -> Select ALL
if u have selected everything now again Right Click -> Copy to executable -> Selection
New window appear, on this window Right Click -> Save File - now replace or save it with new name and done :) u have changed xor keys.
By this way u do every modyfications in Cabalmain.