Tutorial how to install and configure the game ...
Server + GMTools + MySQL Data Folder + Patch
Mega ->> Fix by TugaShot
Pass unpack: TugaShot
Client Vietnam
Pass unpack: tuan565
Xampp Portable ou Installer
Downloa Xampp
Navigat Lite
MYSQL USER E PASS = root + root
(The game comes in STANDALONE mode with the IP
-> To put in Online Multiplayer mode just change the IPS)
1.1 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZ\ACC-Server\accountserver.ini
And Change IP to YOUR IP
1.2 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZ\MSG-Server\config.ini
And Change IP to YOUR IP
and MySQL data
1.3 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZ\MSG-Server\msgserver.ini
And Change IP to YOUR IP
and MySQL data
1.4 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZIS-FR\FRXXZ\MSG-Server\ini
And Change game configs
1.5 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZ\MSG-Server\NPC-Server
And Change IP to YOUR IP
and MySQL data
1.6 - Go to C:\IS-FR\FRXXZIS-FR\FRXXZ\NPC-Server\ini
And Change NPC configs
1.7 - Go to
And Change IP to YOUR IP
and MySQL data
1.8 - Got to
And Change IP to YOUR IP
and MySQL data
1.9 - Back up the files you have on your folder DATA MySQL
in C: \ xampp \ mysql \ data
Now go to folder .... IS-FR \ FRXXZ \ mysql and Copy &
Past all files to the C: \ xampp \ mysql \ data
2.0 - Now open Navicat and make your one acc.
Or change one of the acc that exist
QUERY: INSERT INTO account (name, email, password,
isrolecreate, is_adult) VALUES ('USERNAME', 'EMAIL', md5(PASSWORD), '1', '1');
Client Configuration
1 - Look for baseconf.ini and baseconf2.ini files in the
folder .... Client Fron Line V.6.1
Change the IP to the IP YOUR
2 - All settings in order to run the game are done now
simply click 2x fronline.exe to run the game. (30sec wait for the game to
update and the Start button is the Red)