
NPC Kinds Kal Online

NPC Kinds (InitNPC)

NPC Kind 1
(gennpc (index 1) (country 2) (kind 1) (shape 84) (html 1) (map 0) (xy 257705 258644 16103) (dir 257719 258656))

Kind 1 = your bog standard NPC. These types of NPC's are the easiest to create, you can link a quest up for them if you wish using the params.

NPC Kind 2
(gennpc (index 16) (country 2) (kind 2) (shape 228) (html 27) (map 0) (xy 257090 259400 16806) (dir 257075 259391))

Kind 2 = your bog standard Guard NPC. These types of NPC's are just for one line words. You can also use this same NPC kinda as Kinda 1.

NPC Kind 3

(gennpc (index 73) (country 2) (kind 3) (shape 228) (quest 2 1) (map 0) (xy 257431 258837 16960) (dir 257432 258821))

Kind 3 = your Direct Quest NPC. These types of NPC's are for straight up quest activations. I find it easier however to use Kinda 1 and link up the params but for something that players will NEED like an event quest NPC, you will be better off using this NPC kind.

NPC Kind 4

(gennpc (index 374) (country 2) (kind 4) (shape 17) (html 248) (scenario 0 645) (map 3) (xy 57366 9926 30799) (dir 57366 9060))

Kind 4 = Scenario NPC. These types of NPC's are for example, Scenario's like D3 lord summon or for the Instance dungeon for another example.

NPC Kind 5

(gennpc (index 396) (country 2) (kind 5) (shape 20) (html 259) (teleport 3 57366 10034) (map 3) (xy 57370 7727 29999) (dir 57370 7758))

Kind 5 = Teleport NPC. These types of NPC's are for use for teleporting players.

NPC Kind 6

(gennpc (index 449) (country 2) (kind 6) (shape 28) (html 273) (scenario 30 760) (map 4) (xy 35710 37420 30000) (dir 35716 37411))

Kind 6 = Door System NPC. These types of NPC's are for use for Scenarios such as the D4 door systems. These NPC's Have an "open" animation as well as the 1 standard animation after the correct scenario params are met then the 2nd animation will be activated letting the player pass through the NPC.

NPC Kind 7

(gennpc (index 455) (country 2) (kind 7) (shape 29) (html 274) (map 0) (xy 248701 261499 24273) (dir 248701 261505) (sgxy 248651 261501 24354) (sgdir 248651 261537) (cid 1) (warrelation 2))

Kind 7 = Cannon Set up Point NPC. These are specifically designed to only be activated for use during castle war. NOTE how the Warrelation and CID also the extra params that the NPC has are highlighted in green.

NPC Kind 8

(gennpc (index 520) (country 2) (kind 8) (shape 40) (html ) (map 0) (xy 257213 257744 16110) (dir 256382 260303))

Kind 8 = Door System #2 NPC. These types of NPC's are for use for NON Scenario door systems. These NPC's Have an "open" animation as well as the 1 standard animation after the correct scenario params are met then the 2nd animation will be activated letting the player pass through the NPC. (These ones are not QUEST BASED! like Kind 6) These can just be clicked on and they will open.