
Cpw Perfect World

install cpw on windows

1.Download patcher at this theme
2.Download and instal MySQL 5.0 and Navicat for MySQL
3.Creat new connection:
4.Creates a new database and call it PWU
Then we click the right mouse button to create your database, and choose:
(1) Execute Batch Files
(2) Specify the path to the file install.sql - Being in the patcher, folder config
(3) Click Start
5.We turn to patcher folder.
Create a bat file immediately with the following contents:
java -jar -Xmx256m pw-cpw.jar install
that would fulfill any other action install me on any of the following commands:
install - install a program
rsagen - regenerate RSA keys
x executable ... - prescribe RSA keys in the list of executable files
initial - create a base build
new [revision number] - create a new patch, if you set the version number
revision [revision number] - create a new patch, if you set the version number
listgen - regenerate file lists
listupdate - regenerate file lists

In the folder files / CPW / info
6.Create a pid file without any guidance format.
write in this file:

The same figure should be in the client patcher \ server \ pid.ini
write in this file:

7.Launch install.bat and wait (may take 2-6 hours)
8.In the files \ new \ element put the whole folder from the client element
The exception is *. pck them we have to unpack!
In unpacked they should be in folders with the appropriate name.
Example: We had models.pck file, after unpacking turned models.pck.filles folder.
Models.pck.filles opened and saw there a folder models, it is what we needed.
Put it in the files \ new \ element
So do all the archives!
Attention in the files \ new \ element money had to be a single *. pck file!

And so, now you can start.
Create a new bat and replace the initial install on the old:
java -jar -Xmx256m pw-cpw.jar initial
Starting our new bat and ... waiting ... waiting ... and again we wait.
At the end of your patch awakens in a folder files \ CPW
Copy this folder on the server in the opt / lampp / htdocs / (if CoLinux)
Or on your FTP

Please note that to make a new patch, use the command new!
Remove the files from the files \ new \ element and copy the same folder the new files
Starting batnik, for those who have not yet figured out how it makes no:
java -jar -Xmx256m pw-cpw.jar new
Again, wait ...
Ready Patch will be again in the folder files \ CPW

And that's not all)))
In our patcher, right next to the bat file Assume 2 files
Launcher.exe and patcher.exe
Make a new bat:
java -jar -Xmx256m pw-cpw.jar x Launcher.exe patcher.exe

and run .. At the end of Cast patched Launcher.exe and patcher.exe in client
and change in the client \ patcher \ server \ updateserver.txt
http:// your IP / CPW /
http:// your FTP / CPW /

start the server with the registration
run the client launcher \ FixIt.bat
Guide wrote NioFBI
