
Ran Online Season 2

[Guide] Ran Online Season 2 Complete Glogic & Database Guide V3

I just wanted to share a big part of my knowledge on Glogic and Database because I might quit the RAN scene soon, so I want to give my knowledge to future developers so it won't be wasted.

Index :


1.1 Default.CharClass
1.2 Class.ClassConst
1.3 Class.CharSet
1.4 vehicle.Charset
1.5 Pet.Charset
1.6 Emoticon.ini


2.1 The secrets of RanLog
2.2 The secrets of Reborn requirement


For those who don't want to browse the whole topic, there's a recap of all downloads throughout this Guide

1.0 Glogic

General information :

In our version of Ran Ep6 we use Ep4 encryption and it supports Ep6 version of Item.isf Crow.mnsf and Skill.ssf but our game.exe does not support Ep6 encryption, thatswhy the SkillStrTable.txt ItemStrTable.txt and CrowStrTable.txt that come from our editors don't work

Our editors are locked and lack buttons we use First Run to unlock them but there are still missing buttons

I fixed the buttons for you : Ep6 Editors Fixed.rar

Those editors got all buttons that were missing (even add item delete item copy item paste item!)

I will only talk about the files that weren't mentioned in my last Guide or changed since Ep6! If you want to know about the Ep3 part, use my other guide I don't know where it is by now but the guide is somewhere on the forum

Why chose Ep6 instead of Ep3 or Ep4?

Many still use Ep3 or Ep4 servers and I must honestly say it pains me to see that, not because they're doing a bad mistake, but because this DEV should go forward instead of backwards, why make Ep6 items work on Ep3 if Ep6 is released?
Often you hear how Ep6 or even Ep4 is too complicated, I'll tell you why you should go Ep6 :

Ep3 :
- Hack of a certain type allows to make infinite gold (Not Fixable)
- Hack of a certain type allows to generate items any item you want (Not Fixable)
- Items and Gold can be duped (Not Fixable)
- Wipehack through bug abuse works (Fixable)
- Any Player can become GM by using a bug (Fixable)
- Skillhack (not going to specify how it works or what it does) (Not Fixable)
- HP Hack (Fixable)
- Resu Hack (Fixable)
- Can be jammed by Zombie Client (Fixable)
- No pets, No exp items, No Gender selection, No Boards, No Extreme class and many more

Ep4 :
- Crashable through abuse (Fixable)
- NPC Hack (Not Fixable)
- Items and Gold can be duped (Not Fixable)
- Wipehack through bug abuse works (Fixable)
- Any Player can become GM by using a bug (Fixable)
- Skillhack (not going to specify how it works or what it does) (Not Fixable)
- Resu Hack (Fixable)
- Can be jammed by Zombie Client (Fixable)
- No Gender Selection, No Boards, No Items that give speed, attack speed, and more

Ep6 :
- Crashable through 3 different package bugs (Fixable)
- Wipehack through bug abuse works (Fixable)
- Skillhack (not going to specify how it works or what it does) (Not Fixable)
- NPC Hack (Not Fixable)
- Resu Hack (Fixable)
- Can be jammed by Zombie Client (Fixable)
- Items and Gold can be duped (Not Fixable)

Ep7 : (Update)
- Skillhack (not fixable)
- Can be jammed by Zombie Client (Fixable)
- Crashable through 1 package bug (Fixable)

Update :I tested all the hacks known to me on Ep7, most have been fixed by the upgrade to ep7, however no ep7 server files are released

So what files are best? Ep6, and if you think dupe is fixable, then you haven't seen how it works yet, there's more than 1 technique to dupe

1.1 Default.CharClass

Certainly one of the most important files inside the Glogic

There is already a guide I wrote on the Default.Charclass explaining every single command, this guide will only explain the NEW lines that came since Ep3


This line means, the server will display NORMAL instead of SMOOTH when the channel is 40% full


This line means, the server will display BUSY instead of NORMAL when the channel is 80% full


This line means, the server will display FULL instead of BUSY when the channel is 95% full, when the server displays full, you cannot login anymore
This feature is good if you want to make a login limit below 131 (131 is the lowest login limit allowed)

wMAX_EXTREME_LEVEL 157 // ±Ø°­ºÎ ·¹º§ ÃÖ´ë Á¦ÇÑ.

Level Cap for extreme class

wLVL_2ndSTATS_P 4 //

Stats per level up for extreme class

wLVL_2ndSKILL_P 2 //

Skill points per level up for extreme class

fDIE_RECOVERYEXP { 0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }

How much of the lost exp when dead can you recover 0.5f = 50% of the lost exp 1.0f = 100% of the lost exp, it changes every 10 levels

fEXP_RATE_MONEY { 0, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 7.0f, 7.0f, 7.5f, 7.5f, 7.5f, 8.5f, 8.5f, 8.5f, 8.5f, 9.5f, 9.5f, 9.5f, 9.5f, 9.5f, 11.0f, 12.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f }

How much gold does it cost to recover 1 exp point
3.0f = 3 gold for 1 exp point
5.0f = 5 gold for 1 exp point
it changes every 10 levels


How much is the max refining level, you need special refines to go over +9
Note : Minimum grade is 9, even if you set this to 8 it's still 9, Resistance refining is not affected by this, it stays capped at +9

wUSE_GRADE_NUM { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 }

Refines used to try to refine an item once at +10 (1), +11 (2), +12 (3), +13 (4), +14 (6), +15 (8)

fDAMAGE_GRADE_TOP { 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f }
how many times the base damage of the weapon is multiplied when item is +10 (1.5x) +11 (2.0x) ... +15 (5.0x)

fDEFENSE_GRADE_TOP { 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f }
how many times the base def of the armor is multiplied when item is +10 (1.5x) +11 (2.0x) ... +15 (5.0x)

The rest unimportant (sounds, and lottery)

1.2 Class.ClassConst

strCLASS_EFFECT very_strong.effskin_a

This adds a skineffect to a class, like an aura, to the class in question

The rest is same as in Ep3

1.3 Class.Charset

emTribe  0

What value the [Tribe] column has when a char of this class is created
Tribe is used when you change episode, set it to a higher value before you start the new episode so you can see what chars were created in what episode, it's useful for events or bug fixes
or you can just leave it be and ignore it


What value the [ChaClass] column has when a char of this class is created don't mess around with this number

1 = M Fighter
2 = M Swordsman
4 = W Archer
8 = W Shammy
16 = M Extreme
32 = W Extreme
64 = W Fighter
128 = W Swordsman
256 = M Archer
512 = M Shammy

wSchool  0
wHair  0
wFace  0

for emulator only, what school hair or face the char has when this charset is picked in emulator

nBright  1

attribute when char is created

wLevel  1

Level when char is created

wGuild  0

Guild ID when char is created

lnMoney  0

Gold when char is created

sStats  [0 | 0] [0 | 0] [0 | 0]

stats added to [Pow | Vit] [Dex | Spi] [Int | Stm]

Spi = What we call 'int' [ChaSpirit]
Int = Invisible stat [ChaIntel] most likely they planned to
add Spi and Int seperatly but then they changed idea
Int doesn't affect the game though

wStatsPoint 3

Free stats when char is created

dwSkillPoint 0

Skill points when char is created

sStartMapID [2,0]

Starting Map of newly created Char

dwStartGate 6

Starting Gate of newly created char (See lev editor)

ExpSkills  [0,0][1]

As far as I know this is only for the Emulator, it's what skills the char in the emulator has, some people say it's also for newly created chars in a server, but it didn't work to me when I tested it

Quest  [26]

Quests that your char starts with

PutOnItems  [UPPER]  [50, 1]  [0]  [0,0]  [0,0,0,0,0]

for starting items


RHand is the weapon hand

cInventory  [4, 4]  [10]  [0,0]  [0,0,0,0,0]

Item in inventory when char is created, uses same pattern as PutOnItems

1.4 vehicle.charset


value of the BoardType column, do not change
it's there for future expansion like motorbike


How much battery has a new board, 1000 = 100%


How much battery is lost every 5 minutes default = 20 (2%)

1.5 Pet.CharSet

emTYPE  0

PetType column ID, if you're adding a new pet make sure to add a new value for this

wStyle  0

PetStyle for newly created pets

wColor  0

Color settings for newly created pets

fWalkSpeed 15.0

Speed of pets when you walk

fRunSpeed 35.0

Speed of pets when you run

nFull  1000

How much PetFull a newly created pet has, 1000 = 100% Pet full

nFullDecrement 20

How much PetFull is lost every 5 minutes

sPETCardID 130 13

What Item main ID and sub ID the petcard of this pet has

bChangeableColor  1

Can this pet change color? 1 = Yes 0 = No


How many styles does the pet have (max is 20)

strSTYLE_CPS PE01_001.cps PE01_002.cps PE01_003.cps PE01_004.cps PE01_005.cps

The CPS of each style

1.6 Emoticon.ini

DataNumber = 22

How many emotes are there

Used = 1

Is it used, 1 = Yes, 0 = No

Id = 1

ID has to match the number at [EMOTICON_0001]
The Animation of the emote is based on the ID

Motion = greeting1

Motion is the command for the emote
when you type /? what you get is a list of motions
if you type /greeting1 it will happen

TermList = Hello,how,greet

What words cause that emote to be triggered when talking in general chat


2.1 The Secrets Of RanLog

Most of you ignore Ranlog, and they're right, RanLog almost only has worthless information, but you might want to look again, because the key to something many wanted is inside the RanLog

a PK counter can be setup with our files! Based on the RANLOG

At RanLog > LogAction

Chanum = Killer
Type = 2 (type 2 = Player kill)
Targetnum = Victim

each time someone kills another player through PK a line is added with type 2 chanum is the killer's char ID and targetnum the one who died

with a trigger that works on INSERT you could count player kills

2.2 The Secrets Of Reborn requirement

This one is real funny because for ages no one found out how to copy it

How to do it :

Add to your reborn script that it should increase ChaIntel by 1 on each reborn


Create items or skills that require INT (remember, INT is not SPI) since you can't add INT (the stat called int is actually spi, [chaspirit]) and then it will require a player to have that amount of reborns before he can use that item or learn/upgrade the skill!

If there are questions about this, ask me, I'm not sure if I made myself clear enough


Downloads in the topic :
Editors with working buttons : Ep6 Editors Fixed.rar Credit : Jolin88, I fixed the files myself
