
Installing pwAdmin With Tomcat

[Guide] Installing latest pwAdmin on hrace009's server with tomcat
As stated in the title, this is a guide to installing the latest pwAdmin version with tomcat.

1) Download the latest pwAdmin
2) Download WinRAR
3) Using winRAR, extract the pwAdmin archive
4) Download WinSCP
5) Enter your server details into winSCP, server ip, root and root username
6) Direct winSCP to /root/apache-tomcat-5.5.28/webapps
7) Delete the pwAdmin folder there
8) Under the pwAdmin folder you extracted earlier, go to jetty-7.2.0\webapps
9) Copy the pwAdmin folder to /root/apache-tomcat-5.5.28/webapps
10) Open up /root/apache-tomcat-5.5.28/webapps/pwAdmin/WEB-INF/.pwadminconf.jsp and make the top of it look like this
// pwadmin access password as md5 encrypted string
// default password is root -> 63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845
String iweb_password = "4417086f7ca83a0f21ed7f7ccd29361e";

// connection settings to the mysql pw database
String db_host = "localhost";
String db_port = "3306";
String db_user = "root";
String db_password = "hrace009";
String db_database = "dbo"

11) Open up /root/apache-tomcat-5.5.28/webapps/pwAdmin/WEB-INF/.pwconf.conf and replace all the with the ip address of your server. eg.

12) Reboot your server
13) Type this
14) Open your browser and type
http://serverip:8080/pwAdmin/index.jsp?page=role&process=sqlsync (replace SERVERIP with your servers ip address)
14) Then direct your browser to http://serverip:8080/pwAdmin
15) It should be working!

Additional notes:
This is assuming you have the version of java that came with hrace's server. If you don't, or for some reason it doesn't work, try this version of java

You will need to place it in your /usr/java folder with winSCP and then go to the terminal and type
cd /usr/java
It should install and once it has you will need to change a few files:

echo ""
echo "=== APACHE TOMCAT ==="
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_25
sleep 5
echo "=== DONE! ==="
echo ""

echo ""
echo "=== APACHE TOMCAT ==="
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_25
sleep 5
echo "=== DONE! ==="
echo ""

Last line of /root/.profile
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_25

Second to last line of /root/.bash
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_25