
Auto Patch Launcher Ran Online

This is a guide that will lead you to a successful and working launcher with auto-patch.

First download this Launcher with Auto-Patch: Click Me! or here! - This is shared by tearhear18 and i guess modified some of the functions.

Now after downloading, extract it anywhere. Open the Folder and go to the Tools folder. Inside the Tools folder find config.ini. Open config.ini and edit these lines:

RootURL='' - this is the url/address where you will upload the necessary contents for you to successfully work your auto-patch (some of the functions will be discuss later).

RemoteConfigFile='main.ini' - this contains some of the configurations for the web.
Other functions insdie the config.ini is not necessarily important for the Launcher to auto-patch. But you can try to discover it's functions and how it affects the Launcher's Design. See also: images folder, the launcher background can be replaced there as well as the buttons. How to change the launcher design? Refer to the config.ini - values of the images of the launcher are placed there.

Save and Close the config.ini. Now Let's open the main.ini inside the Web folder. Find these lines:

file_url= - this contains your patch data. All patch will be stored here.

PatchList=plist.txt - this controls your patch flow.

100 ranpatch02.thor - 1st patch
101 ranpatch02.thor - 2nd patch
102 ranpatch03.thor - 3rd patch

Notice that you only need to change the last number if you want to make a patch. Now let's insert our 4th patch:

103 patchran10000.thor

Name of the patch does not affect the flow. It continues to patch in the 4th patch because of the number that controls the flow.

Data folder contains your patch. Just leave it as it is now.

Other functions inside main.ini rather than the discussed values above are not important for your auto-patch to work. Explore till your heart desires if you wish to make an advance settings.

Now, let's begin embedding your customized launcher (assuming you already customized your launcher with your background image and values of the buttons, etc).
Go back to the Tools folder. Double Click "ConfigEmbeder" and browse thor.exe inside your Tools folder. Hit the PACK button, and a confirmation "Done" will appear.

Note: if an error occur during the PACKING process, the reason may be you input the wrong configuration in your config.ini. Review your configurations and try PACKING again.

I assume you successfully packed your new thor.exe (rename as you want it to be). At this stage, you should upload the Web folder in your domain or in your hoster - it must be the exact domain or host as what you edited in your config.ini.

How to make a patch?

Open the ThorGenerator, select the output name of your patch (ranpatch01 , patching01, anything you want, it will always leave a .thor extension file).
Add a file, choose directory if you wish to upload a file from a directory (example would be the data folder in our Ran Clients). Leave the other options and Hit Generate.
Now you already have a patch. Upload this to your and update your plist.txt. Put your new Launcher in your Ran Online Client.

You already have a Customized Launcher with Auto-patch. If you have any errors regarding the guide, please do reply in this thread and i'll be happy to answer you.

Added Video Guide by starstrokers.

Credits: Thor Patcher coders, tearhear18
