[Guide] How to edit login scene
Well, lets start our lesson ;[
1st step - Preparing:
Delete content of folder (element/maps/[login])
Copy files of any map, you want to use as loginmap, to that folder
Rename *CLD, *T2HC, *TRN2, *ECBSD, *ECWLD from the original name to login. Example:
Unpack litmodels.pck
Delete content of folder (litmodels.pck.files/litmodels/login])
Copy in (litmodels.pck.files/litmodels/[SOMEMAP]) the folder content of map you want to use as login, to the folder (litmodels.pck.files/litmodels/login]). If folder with litmodels is too big (as worldmap for example), you can change path to the "login" folder in elemenclient.exe by HEX editor (/added by Morze)
Compress your changed litmodels.pck.files to litmodels.pck
2nd step - config editing:
Open scenectrl.ini. (You can use LoginMap Editor by Garald, but i prefer Notepad++). What is inside:
Now about blocks & strings (You must use console coords here):
Pos = position of camera
Dir = direction of camera (you can get it by the button "get coords" in sNPCedit or NPCgen editor by alexdnepro)
Up = tilt of the camera (Its better to set X & Z parameters to 0 and Y to 1)
Note, that 1 in Dir string equals to 90 degrees.
Well, its time to write about editing itself ;[
Launch game, launch sNPCedit.
Lets make the main login scene first.
Place your character at the point, where the camera will be. Get coords & direction by sNPCedit. Then set this data to the block 0 in scenectrl.ini (it is the main window`s block). Then check:
Further we must do chars` positions setting.
Character Location - position char stands.
Creating & selesting - main positions of the camera, showing our char. Its better to place the camera on a distance of 3 meters in front of the Character Location.
Aproximation - Position of the camera during editing of details of the char's face. Its not difficult - just calculate necessary coordinates by addin 0.6 to Y coordinate of main camera position . Result:
That is all. Just remember, Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo! ;[
PS: sorry for errors in translation (I`m from Russia) & for the Russian screenshots
Originally posted by Adskoy (Ацкой) for PwDev. LoginMap Editor originally created by Garald for mmorpg-devs
Thanks ivanaivana for help in translation