
Item Refinery Ran Online

How to Enable Refine to +15
Starting from EP6, our Items already can be refine to +10, on EP7 our Items can be refine to +15.
I had this Problem since 2009, thanks to Sir Jolin I finally figure it out how to make this happen.

1st Step
You need to CREATE a New Burr for Weapon and Armour, then Right Click choose ItemSuit Edit and find Abrasive, Click on the combo on Level, Choose the 3rd level like what I did on Picture #1.

Picture #1
2nd Step
Choose an Armour or Weapon and Right Click Choose ItemSuit Edit and find Abrasive, Click on the combo on Level, Choose the 3rd level like what I did on Picture #2.

Picture #2
Note: You need to edit all the item's Abrasive to Level3 to Enable Refine to +15.

You can Edit All at once by using Excel. HOW? Click on CSV Save to save your Items into a CSV, then Open it on Excel. find CZ1 you will see emGRINDER_TYPE then change all the Items to 2. HOW? Keep on Pressing 2 and Down Button until the last Item. Don't forget to save the CSV and Click CSV Load Button on ItemEdit and then save your item.isf.

3rd Step
Open default.charclass then find wGRADE_MAX then change it to 15. Then find fGRADE_RATE, fGRADE_RESET_RATE and fGRADE_TERMINATE_RATE then add the refine value follow on the last value.

On fGRADE_RATE (chance of refining to success)
100.00f = 100% Success
50.00f = 50% Success
0 = None will Success

On fGRADE_RESET_RATE (chance of revert)
and fGRADE_TERMINATE_RATE (chance of vanish - BOOM!)
0 = 0 It won't revert/boom
50.00f = 50% will revert/boom
100.00f = 100% will revert/boom

If you don't know how to Edit it, then just replace mine.
fGRADE_RATE     {100.00f,100.00f,100.00f,100.00f,100.00f,100.00f,100.00f,90.00f,80.00f,70.00f,60.00f,50.00f,40.00f,30.00f,20.00f}
fGRADE_RESET_RATE    {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0,3.00f,6.00f,9.00f,12.00f,15.00f,18.00f,21.00f,24.00f,27.00f}
fGRADE_TERMINATE_RATE    {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,5.00f,10.00f,15.00f,20.00f,25.00f,30.00f,35.00f,40.00f,45.00f}
Save it and you are done.


I'm Not MentaL