
Charset Explanation Ran Online

Updated Charset Explanation
Originally Posted by abry
EP3 Charset File Name for each class

00,10,20 - brawler
01,11,21 - Swordsman
02,12,22 - Archer
03,13,23 - Qigong
Originally Posted by abry
EP4 Charset File Name for each class

00,10,20 - brawler
01,11,21 - Swordsman
02,12,22 - Archer
03,13,23 - Qigong
04,24,30- Extrame Male
05,25,33- Extreme Female
Originally Posted by Me
EP7 Charset File Name for each class

00,10,20 - brawler Male
01,11,21 - Swordsman Male
02,12,22 - Archer Female
03,13,23 - Shaman Female
04,14,24 - Gunner Male
05,15,25 - Gunner Female
06,16,26 - brawler Female
07,17,27 - Swordsman Female
08,18,28 - Archer Male
09,19,29 - Shaman Male
Class Configuration

nBright :: Starting Bright Points/Life Points of a class.

wLevel :: Starting level of the class.

wGuild :: Starting guild of a class (you could make a newbie guild out of this :P)

lnMoney :: Starting money of a class.

wStatsPoint :: Starting status points of a class.

dwSkillPoint :: Starting skill points of a class.

sHP :: Starting HP of a class.

sMP :: Starting MP of a class.

sSP :: Starting SP of a class.

wPK :: Starting PK points of a class.

Quest :: Starting quest like the first quest of a new class.

Editing ::

Refer to Mod.Abry's thread
ExpSkills :: Starting skills of a class.

Editing ::

[0,0] [0] [0,0] [0,0,0,0,0]
The first box it the item code,
the Second box still yet unknown,
the first number at the third box is the refine grade of the weapon
and the second number at the third box is the refine grade of the armor.

PutOnItems [Head] :: Starting hat/cap of a class.

PutOnItems [Upper] :: Starting coat of a class (eg - Preparatory Coat)

PutOnItems [Lower] :: Starting pants of a class (eg - Preparatory Pants)

PutOnItems [Hand] :: Starting gloves of a class (eg - Iron Gloves)

PutOnItems [Foot] :: Starting shoes of a class (eg - Preparatory Shoes)

PutOnItems [Rhand] :: Starting weapon of a character (eg - Club)

PutOnItems [Neck] :: Starting necklace of a character.

PutOnItems [Rfinger] :: Starting ring of a character.

PutOnItems [Lfinger :: Starting ring of a character.

Editing ::

[0,0] [0] [0,0] [0,0,0,0,0]
The first box it the item code,
the Second box still yet unknown,
the first number at the third box is the refine grade of the weapon
and the second number at the third box is the refine grade of the armor.

cInventory :: Starting items of a character
Remember to remove the // to activate it.

Mod. Abry
Sir the_eliter
of course me!
