
Port Forwarding Ran Online

port forwarding using globe broadband ADSL
This is For Globe broadband [ADSL +2 Modem Router] Prolink Hurricane 5301G(A.K.A)H5301G
1.set lan ip to your server files and CFG
[how to see lan ip]
click start click run type cmd hit [ok] then in the command prompt type ipconfig now you see IP Address Ex: 192.168.XXX.XXX.
set it in ur server files just search how to hex here in RZ
and hex your lan ip in your server files
next setup your CFG put your lan ip in your CFG folder
2.go to your modem in your browser ex: your modem click advance/Router features
now we are in Port Forwarding Configuration

Setting 1
Service Type:
Usual Service Name:
User-defined Service Name: (Ex: Session) Note:Check the Check Box

Protocol: TCP
WAN Setting: interface
WAN Interface: pppoe1
WAN Port: 3001
LAN Open Port: 3001
LAN Ip Address:[your lan ip here]
now Hit Apply Changes

Setting 2
Service Type:
Usual Service Name:
User-defined Service Name: (Ex: Session) Note:Check the Check Box

Protocol: UDP
WAN Setting: interface
WAN Interface: pppoe1
WAN Port: 3001
LAN Open Port: 3001
LAN Ip Address:[your lan ip here]
now Hit Apply Changes
ports you need to forward
now start server
log in
then go to Open Port Check Tool
type the ports that you forward
Your IP: your.IP.ADD.Here
What Port? 3001
Click [Check]

if you ports forwarding correctly you will see this
Success: I can see your service on your.IP.Add.Here on port (3001)
Your ISP is not blocking port 3001

[COLOR="Red"][NOTE]put your Wan ip in your PARAM.INI you can see your Wan IP HereWhat Is My IP Address - Shows Your IP Address

My PS is corrupt and my paint is disable thats why i dont have ss maybe next time i post all the ss here
Thats all sorry for my bad english
