Firstly, I need to explain where the text files are.
In your client folder -> data\packs ... there you will have a lot of .pak files.
The one we are interested in ( for the English pack ) is called LocPack.eng
A. Download Total Commander here
B. Download ao-tools here
C. Run Total Commander and do steps 1-10.
Now we need to prepare for Extracting and Recompiling.
D. To makes things easier, copy these files and folder from ao-tool, to your folder where pack.loc was extracted.
E. Now we need to run the extracter.exe
Goto a command prompt and change directory like so :
Now type : loc.extracter.exe pack.loc F:\Games\Allods\Working_Folder\pack
and press Enter. ( It will take a minute or so to extract )
You should see this now:
Now you should have a "pack" folder in your Working_Folder.
F. Navigate to this file :
Edit this file as you like, for example :
When you are done, save the file and close it.
Once you have finished changing all the files you like, follow these steps to re-compile.
G. Delete the original pack.loc file from your Working_Folder
Goto a command prompt and change directory like so :
Now type : loc.compiler.exe F:\Games\Allods\Working_Folder\pack pack.loc
and press Enter ( nothing will happen for a while, just leave it )
You should see this now:
You will now have the recompiled pack.loc in your Working_Folder.
H. Go back to Total Commander.
I use a dual view to make things easier.
Click on OK
Click on Overwrite
Close Total Commander
When you log into your game, your updated text will now be visible.