
Edit Launcher Battle of the Immortals

[Guide] How to edit launcher for you server
1.First time go to BOI FOLDER / LauncherCfg folder
2.Open the "NewUpdateCfg.xml" this look
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Root>
    <ManualUpdateURL NormalURL="" TestUpdateURL="" TestRollbackURL="" />
change = Windows ip , change with yor Windows IP

3. Open "NewUpdateInfo.xml " this look
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
   <!--Following is force update configueration: Version stander for user's client version, so it can update emergency by modify it-->
      <LauncherZip URL="" ExeMD5="" />
      <VersionForced version1="" version2="" version3=""/>

    <!--Latest client version-->

    <!--Following is bulletin Info-->
    <BulletinText LatestVersion="" URL="" TestLatestVersion="" TestURL=""/>

    <!--Following is Area List. Display order of Area list is same as following order. Index represent the area display what picture (current 5 pics)-->
         <Area name="~E§網" index="1" CurVersion="">
          <PatchServer url="" port="" maxsize="1500" Clientdir="client/" Xmlfiledir="Versioncmpfiles/" /> 
   <Loginserver ip="" port="30002" zoneid="904" name="BOIXTREMETEST"/>
</Root> = WINDOWS ip change with your WINDOWS IP
30002 = DEFAUL SERVER PORT change with your sever port
BOIXTREMETEST = server name change with your server name

4. Save files
5. Open lancher and enter the game
