
Items Options Cabal Online EP 8

EP8 items options, and EPIC options
Hi all. I will write all most important options for items.

This topic will contain options for weapons, armours, epaulettes, jevelery (ring, amulet, bracelet, erring), bikes, and their OP OPTIONS! (read until down ;) )

Because some people asked me to write this, I will try find some time and write it as fast as I can. Because of my lack of time, this topic will be in few part, updated when I will be able to write. Every new thing I add will be in this color. I will write later topic about items id (weapons, armours and so on, but it will be about thuesday) So let;s start:


4slot amp + craft amp is not exacly 4slots amp, but sth diffrent, but most important that it has 38% amp

As item id, u write id of item u want. As option for each kind of options:

4slot m.amp + craft m.amp - 1075395065
4slot s.amp + craft s.amp - 1075329272
4slot skill exp + craft skill exp - 1075263479
4slot 2slot item drop + craft 2slot item drop - 1075197686
4slot critical rate + craft critical rate - 1075131893
4slot critical dmg + craft critical dmg - 1075066100
4slot att rate + craft att rate - 1075000307
4slot m.att + craft m.att - 1074934514
4slot att + craft att - 1074868721
4slot empty - 1074802928

This options are good for weapons untill mithril.

For any weapon (also lycanus ) , I found this OP options :)

49% m.amp - 806959417
49% s.amp - 806893624

63% m.amp - 809056569
63% s.amp - 808990776

70% m.amp - 1228486969
70% s.amp - 1211643960

36 skill exp - 808924983
40 skill exp - 1194800951
1350% 2slot item drop - 808859190
1500% 2slot item drop - 1177957942
30% critical rate - 808793397
35% critical rate - 1161114933
60% critical dmg - 808727604
70% critical dmg - 1144271924
450 att rate - 808661811
500 att rate - 1127428915
18 m.att - 808596018
20 m.att - 1110585906
18 att - 808530225
20 att - 1093742897

This options works even on drei Frame sets. If someone could for example post, how to edit stats on sets, could make nice OP item :) This options works only at weapon and armours, for jevelery are other options which I'm looking for (right now found for bikes 36% amp and resist critical dmg) But pls be patient, I will update this topic as soon as I can (unfortunately I will be off at weekend because of studies)


20 skill exp - 1177957942
MP auto heal +14 - 1161114933
Hp auto heal +14 - 1144271924
Flee rate +10% - 1127428915
Max crit rate +10% - 1110585906
20 defense - 1093742897


100 hp - 1211643960
10 skill exp - 1177957942
Add damage +50 - 1161114933
Min dmg 10% - 1144271924
Att rate +200 - 1127428915
20 m.att - 1110585906
20 att - 1093742897


10 skill exp - 808924983
Mp steal 10% - 1177957942
Hp steal 10% - 1161114933
18% m.amp - 1144271924
18% s.amp - 1127428915
Max mp steal +50 - 1110585906
Max hp steal +50 - 1093742897

HP +100 - 1093742897
Defense +20 - 1110585906
Def rate +10 - 1127428915
Max hp steal +50 - 1144271924
Max mp steal +50 - 1161114933
10% flee rate - 1177957942
Skill exp +10 - 1194800951


HP +100 - 1093742897
Att +20 - 1110585906
M.att +20 - 1127428915
Defense +20 - 1144271924
Att rate +200 - 1161114933
Def rate +100 - 1177957942
Hp steal +10% - 1194800951
Skill exp +20 - 1211643960


HP +1500 - 1093742897
Att +200 - 1110585906
M.att +200 - 1127428915
Critical dmg +80% - 1144271924
Critical rate +40% - 1161114933
Max critical rate +20% - 1177957942
S.amp + 40% - 1194800951
M.amp +40% - 1211643960
Resist critical dmg +40% - 1228486969


HP +100 - 1093742897
Att +20 - 1110585906
M.att +20 -1127428915
Defense +20 - 1144271924
Att rate +200 - 1161114933
Def rate +200 - 1177957942
S.amp +18% - 1194800951
M.amp +18% - 1211643960
Flee rate +10% - 1228486969
