
Full Skill Perfect World

How to edit skills full guide (SERVER SIDE) (GS Edit) Dmg delay etc...

Full Skill Edition Guide: (Server Side)
Programs needed:
IDA PRO 6.0 + Hex-Rays
skillstr converter by Ronnie.
Hex Editor editor
A bit of brain (Just a bit .-.)


This is the first part of the guide on editing skills. Here I will describe the general principles of work with IDA and HEX .
start. To start with the converter itself will Roni convenient file containing id skill, name and other parameters. To do this, run the skillstr2tab . exe from the console with the argument in the form of a file path skillstr
To convert a number We can see the name of the skill. Figure - this is his id in the GS .
immediately begin from the time when you have downloaded and installed the IDA :

run the executable file -> new -> select the file GS -> presses ok , then have to wait a while until the IDA will load gs in their base.

Then on the left you will see the names of the functions in the kernel. You can use the search by clicking one time on any value and pick up searh -> Search . Let's try, for example, edit skill Psychic Soul of Vengeance  
check your file:

1102 Soul of Vengeance

Go to IDA search functions Skill1102Stub and see something like this:

Click on the selected area 2 times and see something like this

is necessary for our function in assembler, but it will be convenient to read in C / C + + so click F5 see the following pseudo

Click 2 times on dbl_88F3500 and get here

Here we can see the address of the variable.

Our Hex Editor, go to the address described above, for this press Ctrl + G and enter 0x and address.

comes here

changes the value, such as 0.3 save. Done.

More to come ^^ Credits go to me that spent long days searshing and translated and a to random old russiam forum

Part 2
The main parameters of the skill

Part 3
Calculation of damage

In this part of the guide I would like to talk about the features of calculation of damage in some skills. It's no secret that the skill has its own stats, but they are not calculated where I described in the previous parts of the guide. Let's start from the moment you downloaded gs in IDA. For example, we consider skill

508 God Armageddon

As we can see in the main function is called 3 papers


For the calculation of damage in these stats have meets function * :: Calculate
Trying to view these features for all 3 articles:
Enjoying the first function

GNET :: Skill508Stub :: State1 :: Calculate

Hmm .... In the first function is nothing tries the second

GNET :: Skill508Stub :: State2 :: Calculate

Yes, this is our formula for calculating

4 * (HP / 2 + PM / 2) 5000

Can change the values ​​as we want to.

After Hexing ur new GS add it back to linux and be happy =)

Enjoy =)


Original post owner: Электрон

translated by: lvdrake

Obs: i think a few ppl that had this Knowledge all for themselfs will be mad at me for this post xD
