
Allods Online

[Guide] Allods server setup DETAILED
WARNING: I know english very indifferently, so report if there are any mistakes.

I do not think that there is something more detailed.
First of all, download all files (press lower button):


1. Install Java. There must be no mistakes during the installation. After installation, right-click on 'My computer' => Properties => Additional options => Add system variable. Name - JAVA_HOME, value - folder, where you installed java:

2. Install PostgeSQL. If you have an error, reporting the promblem with cluster, you should rollback installation, create user postregs, grant it administrator's previlegies and install postresql from new user.
After installation check 'Lauch Stack Builder'. Next:


And confirm all the actions till the end.

3. Install WAMP to C:/Wamp. Thats all ;[

4. Open postres' PGAdmin, create database ao_account_trunk16:

Start wamp, open Phpmyadmin and create 5 databases:

Next open the Mysql console (from wamp tray):

Execute following commands:
CREATE USER 'allods_online'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'allods_online'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
5. Setting up serverfiles.
Open /server_bin/accountServer/config/shard_local.xml, type your username and password:

ExecutestartAccountServer.bat. If everything is okay, you will see

Open php.ini (from wamp tray, near the mysql console). Search for
; Paths and Directories ;
and in the next line insert
include_path = ".;C:\wamp\allods\hessian;C:\wamp\allods\hessianPhpPatch;C:\wamp\allods\j2php"
(if you changed paths, you should insert yours, of course)

Now copy 5 folders from server_bin/server_api to C:\Wamp\allods. In php\accountExample.php edit password and username, then change account status:
AccountStatus::Inactive()); to AccountStatus::Active())
Change $url value to your account server's IP (localhost is default). Open YOUR_IP/php/accountExample.php
If success, you'll see:

Lets check loginserver's workability. Launch server_bin\server_console\startconsole.bat, enter login and password from game account. You should see:

Go to server_bin\MasterServer. In config folder set your username and password for database (the same as for account server), then launch startmasterserver.bat:

There is 1 step left. Open server_bin\shard\cfg\shard.xml, change externalhost value to your ip, then execute startServerDefault.bat. if windows closes instantly, open this bat file and reduce RAM consumption. (min 512mbytes). Now just wait till you see

6. Setting the client.
Open your cient folder/profiles/accountServer.cfg, edit ip and port (you can see it in account server's console). Now you can login in game. But there is 1 problem - if the language of game is english, you wont be able to create character (you;ll recieve 'incorrect name' for ANY name and language). So, you must start game from laucher, cancel update, opent settings and change game's language to russian (Русский). And finally:

Translated by Adskoy.