
Aion Drop Editor

[Tutorial] Adding and editing drops with AionDropEditor - ( For AL 3.9 )
You will need the AionDropEditor

1) First, you need to find the ID of the mob you want to change.
( for this tutorial, I'm using 210133 from here : Striped Kerub )
2)Once you have the ID you want, extract DropEditor wherever you want, and start it.

3) In DropEditor, click on File in top left, and choose Open

4) Now navigate to where your npc_drop.dat file is. ( it should be in \AL-Game\gameserver\data\static_data ) Select it and click on Open.

5) You should now see this : ( I added column numbers to make it easier to explain )
6) In Column 1 scroll down until you find the ID you want ( 210133 for this tutorial ) then click on it.

After you clicked on the ID this will appear in Column 2
7) Now click on NoCategory
A list of ItemID's will appear in Column 3
So let's do Kinah first. The ItemID for Kinah is 182400001.
Click on 182400001 in Column 3
Now you can change the following :
Min: --> Minimum amount of kinah the mob will drop
Max: --> Maximum amount of kinah the mob will drop
Chance: --> Chance in % that the mob will drop kinah
Change it to whatever you like.

!Important! Make very sure that you have the correct Race selected, then click Save

That's it. Kinah is easy.

Now for adding a custom item. We will use the same mob again.

8) In Column 3, right-click anywhere on a blank space then click on Add and you will see the window below appear. It may take a long time to load :
( hint : you can click on the column names here to sort it )
9) Right-click anywhere in the blank space on the right and choose "Add Drop Item"
A small window will appear. In here you add your ItemID and the rest of the information you want. ( I chose the L190 enchantment stone ;-)
10) Now click on "Save Item"

11) Click on ID to sort the ID column and scroll to the bottom ( this is just to find the new item easily )

12) Now double click on the ItemID ( 166000190 ) and click OK in the little window that pops up.

13) Click on Save

14) Click on File in top left and choose save.

15) Allow it a few seconds to save the file and then close AionDropEditor

16) That's it... all done

The above method can be repeated for any mob or any items

Please feel free to post here if you have any questions or problems.

Credits for AionDropEditor goes to Maxes727

EDIT : If you get no drops from the mob you changed, then open your npc_drop.dat file again with DropEditor. Go to the mob ID then click the items in Column 2
It will probably show ASMODIANS in the DropGroup.

Change it to ALL and click save
Click all the other categories in Column 2, one by one and make sure that DropGroup is correct.
Click on save after changing each one.

Click File-->Save again and owerwrite your old file. Now try again.
