
Create Item Set Aion

[HowTo] Edit or create your own itemsets...
1. goto .\AIONEmulator\game\data\static_data\item_sets\
2. open item_sets.xml with program of choice
3. edit as you wishes

example of a full set with bonuses for each part and extra bonus for full set:
<itemset id="298" name="Durable Daevanion Chain Set">
<itempart itemid="110501382"/>
<itempart itemid="113501355"/>
<itempart itemid="112501280"/>
<itempart itemid="111501340"/>
<itempart itemid="114501363"/>
<partbonus count="2">
<add name="MAGICAL_RESIST" value="15" bonus="true"/>
<add name="PHYSICAL_DEFENSE" value="39" bonus="true"/>
<add name="EVASION" value="30" bonus="true"/>
<partbonus count="3">
<add name="MAXHP" value="336" bonus="true"/>
<add name="MAXMP" value="225" bonus="true"/>
<add name="BOOST_MAGICAL_SKILL" value="48" bonus="true"/>
<add name="HEAL_BOOST" value="23" bonus="true"/>
<partbonus count="4">
<add name="MAGICAL_RESIST" value="16" bonus="true"/>
<add name="PHYSICAL_DEFENSE" value="39" bonus="true"/>
<add name="EVASION" value="28" bonus="true"/>
<partbonus count="5">
<add name="MAXHP" value="392" bonus="true"/>
<add name="MAXMP" value="263" bonus="true"/>
<add name="BOOST_MAGICAL_SKILL" value="58" bonus="true"/>
<rate name="SPEED" value="22" bonus="true"/>
<add name="MAXHP" value="262" bonus="true"/>
<add name="BOOST_MAGICAL_SKILL" value="70" bonus="true"/>
<add name="MAGICAL_RESIST" value="133" bonus="true"/>
hope it is self explaning else just ask if you want to know anything

4. save file and restart server
5. Done!
