
Edit Event Start Time Aion

[HowTo] Edit Start time for Events...
1. goto .\AIONEmulator\game\data\static_data\events_config\
2. open events_config.xml with program of choice
3. look for <event name="xyz" start="2014-02-06T00:00:00+00:00" end="2014-02-13T00:00:00+00:00">
4. Just change start and end time if you like
5. Restart Server
6. Done!

Implemented Events (AL 3.9):
Atreian City Festival
The Fortune Fayre
Ascension Energy
Ascension Energy Inventory
Spring Event
Spring Event Inventory
Crab Fest
Celebrate Solorius
New Year Event
Trick or treat! The witch and the king
Daru Days
Ardent heat
Ardent heat Inventory
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day Inventory
Love is in the Air
World Blessers
Transform and battle as a Guardian General

Always edit even and event name inventory to the same date or the inventory shorter!!
Event name Inventory means that you automatically get items in your inventory.
