
Edit Rides Speed Aion

[HowTo] Edit rides speed and fly cost on sprinting...
1. goto .\AIONEmulator\game\data\static_data\ride\
2. open ride.xml with editor of choice
3. edit as you wishes
<ride_info id="2000000" type="0" move_speed="12.0" fly_speed="16.0" sprint_speed="15.0" start_fp="10" cost_fp="10">
<bounds front="0.724" side="0.724" upper="2.5" altitude="0.5"/>
just edit
move_speed -> how fast it is moving
fly_speed -> how fast it is moving while flying
sprint_speed -> how fast it is sprinting
start_fp / cost_fp -> how much it cost starting and going on sprining
2000000 - Cirrusspeed
2000001 - Cirrusspeed
2000002 - Cirrusspeed
2000003 - Pagati Loper
2000004 - Pagati Veyron
2000005 - Agitated Fourgill
2000006 - Redhot Fourgill
2000007 - Slickest Fourgill
2000008 - Sharptooth Airspike
2000009 - Sharptooth Bloodletter
2000010 - Blue Surfrider
2000011 - Airskim Surfrider
2000012 - Waveform Surfrider
2000013 - Airskim Surfrider (1 hour)
2000014 - Pagati Rein
2000015 - [Event] Stratowisp (perma and 30 days)
2000016 - [Event] Waveform Surfrider
2000017 - [Event] Fleet Jupi
2000018 - [Event] Cirruspeed
2000019 - Not Used!
2000020 - Sharptooth Barbtail (perma, 1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000021 - Pagati Ironhide (perma, 1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000022 - Sandburst Surfrider (perma, 1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000023 - Sharptooth Airspike (1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000024 - Pagati Loper (1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000025 - Legion Pagati
2000026 - [TEST] Flying Flower
2000027 - Legion Pagati
2000028 - Triumphant Legion's War Steed (Elyos)
2000029 - Honorable Legion's War Steed (Asmo)
2000030 - Flying Crestlich (perma,5 hours and 30 days)
2000031 - Flying Pagati (perma,5 hours,1, 15 and 30 days)
2000032 - Sharptooth Ripper (perma, 5 hours and 30 days)
2000033 - Sharptooth Mauler (perma, 5 hours and 30 days)
2000034 - Sharptooth Airspike
2000035 - Sharptooth Firebolt (perma, 5 hours,1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000036 - Rosenimbus (perma, 5 hours,1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000037 - Goldenimbus (perma, 5 hours,1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000038 - Ceruleanimbus (perma, 5 hours,1,7,15 and 30 days)
2000039 - Crimsonimbus (perma, 5 hours,1,7,15 and 30 days)
4. Save file and restart server
5. Done!
