
Edit FlyRings Aion

[HowTo] Edit or add FlyRings...
1. goto .AIONEmulator\game\data\static_data\fly_rings
2. open fly_rings.xml with program of choice
3. edit what you wish
<fly_ring name="PRIMUM_PLAZA_400010000_1" map="400010000" radius="6.0">
<center x="959.63165" y="2695.4968" z="1628.2689"/>
<p1 x="959.39703" y="2693.7542" z="1637.6808"/>
<p2 x="949.27795" y="2693.5806" z="1626.993"/>
fly_ring name -> Self explaning
map -> on which map the flyring spawns
radius -> Size, 6 is normal
center / P1 / P2 - Location of the ring and thickness, just check the existing to get a feeling how to do it!

4. Safe and restart Server
5. Done!
