
Battle of the Immortals Multi Server

BOI-OW Multi-Server Setup Info..
I recently went online with my servers but it was a fair headache in doing so. There is a lot of miss-information about running realms on multiple servers. There are a ton of tweaks that can be made to the BOI-OW files to lessen memory usage, ports throughout the Windows/Linux side of the servers have miss-configured ports. Many looking for the ports of the Chinese version, other ports looking for the US version.. A lot of configuring will need to be done. You'll have to look over the configs time and time again..

Anyway. I recently had some issues with not being able to logout, change realms and so on.. If you try a multi-server setup. This will get you closer to running smoothly..

Server 1.. (8GB Ram)
- Runs VirtualBox (1536GB Ram Dedicated to CentOS 6.5 X64)

Server 2.. (8GB Ram) Runs Realms 1-4
- Runs /GameServer
- Runs /ShareMemProc (Can be tweaked) .ini doesn't need the realms 5-8 includes.
- Runs /LocalSaveServer <--- Nowhere had this been mentioned..

Server 2.. (8GB Ram) Runs Realms 5-8
- Runs /GameServer
- Runs /ShareMemProc (Can be tweaked) .ini doesn't need the realms 1-4 includes.
- Runs /LocalSaveServer <--- Nowhere had this been mentioned..

What I had found out, was that in order to save any character progress, including changing realms, logging out an so on, LocalSaveServer was needed. I spent days trying to figure this out with LSS only running on Server 1. As I said, all of the forum posts you can find on the topic say that you only need the GameServer and ShareMemProc.. But thats not correct.

Out of all Repacks and code releases on the forums, Toss Last has the best, in my opinion, Windows and Linux Server Files.. However, the best /GameServer setup is the one offered by necrentos as you can use line 1-4 on one server, and line 5-8 on another while only having to load one set of files. It's a really stable setup..

Basicly, Your setup would be as follows:

Server 1:
- Toss Last Windows Files (Minus GameServer / No Longer Needed)
- Toss Last Linux Files / CentOS x32 or x64.. Whichever u choose.

Server 2:
- GameServer. ShareMemProc, LocalSaveServer from necrentos.
- Only lines 1-4 are needed. You can remove 5-8 lines and .ini's.

Server 3:
- GameServer. ShareMemProc, LocalSaveServer from necrentos.
- Only lines 5-8 are needed. You can remove 1-4 lines and .ini's.

If you run all of your servers on the same network, Just make sure that the configs for server 2 and 3 match the same windows and linux ip's of server 1.

That should be enough to cover the basics. But as I mentioned, there are a lot of other changes that can be made to optimize both of the Windows and Linux OW files, as well as various optimizations, and services that can be disabled on both CentOS and Windows Server 2012. You should even tweak the mysql server settings as well. Or use MariaDB and tweaks as I have done.
