
Glows Effects Tales of Pirates

Getting effects from fusion equipment
Hello guys, It is a simple function, use this to make your equipment fusion work.

Add this in your cha_timer

Next, we gonna place the function on the bottom of functions.lua (Not inside cha_timer).
if IsPlayer( role ) == 1 then -- Check it is player.
FusionEffects(role, freq, time) -- Add function to roled player
end -- End checking and applying into the selected player

Next, we gonna place the function on the bottom of functions.lua (Not inside cha_timer). I used as an example for Normal & Corporeal Kylin Set.
function FusionEffects(role, freq, time)
local Fusion_Armor_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,2), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID )
local Fusion_Gloves_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,3), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID )
local Fusion_Boots_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,4), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID )

-- Normal kylin glow
if Fusion_Armor_ID == 0825 and Fusion_Gloves_ID == 0826 and Fusion_Boots_ID == 0827 and GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_BBRING1) == 0 then
local statelv = 1
local statetime = 3600
AddState ( role , role , STATE_BBRING1 , statelv , statetime )
if GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_BBRING1) ~= 0 then
-- Corporeal kylin glow
if Fusion_Armor_ID == 2549 and Fusion_Gloves_ID == 2550 and Fusion_Boots_ID == 2551 and GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_BBRING1) == 0 then
local statelv = 1
local statetime = 3600
AddState ( role , role , STATE_BBRING1 , statelv , statetime )
if GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_BBRING1) ~= 0 then
If you wish to add more you can add more elseif as I described above. use this function to add fused equipment's to glow if you wish.

Q: What if I want to use other equipment's to glow?
A: You can simply by edit GetChaItem(role,1,NUMBER) you edit the NUMBER from the Look.lua or simply here codes to have the knowledge (Following codes are the numbers you can use as fused equipment, rest of numbers cannot be fused such as Necklaces/Rings):
Crown/Hats/Ami Caps = 0
Armors/Tatto/Body Equipment = 2
Gloves/Gauntlets = 3
Boots/Shoes/Greaves = 4
Left Equipment = 6
Right Equipment = 9