1. open your resource.edf ( convert to .dat first ) with HxD or other toll ( i used HxD) search with text what u want
2. copy last mesh u want add then paste in last section block then save it
3. open your resource with dat editor (may be u get this error)
4. this how to fix just change a block size
5. time for editing resource
6. edit your item.edf too and make sure model ID is same with what u want
7. make sure new mesh file is linked too and renamed too
note :
meylanAll Races - A
Accretia - 4.
Cora and Bellato - 9.
Bellato - 7
Cora - 8
Bellato M - 0
Bellato F - 1
Cora M - 2
Cora F - 3
4 0 04 54
first - race,gender
2nd - unknown(2ndary serial?)
Third - (00 - helmet, 01 - face, 02 - upper, 03 - lower, 04 - gloves, 05 - boots, 06 - cape, 07 - shield - weapon type for weapons)
4th - serial number(00 t? FF (eg 00 to 255)).
A00600 would be a All race usable Cape - if defined separate models in resource.dat ( 400600, 100600, 800600 etc the right model will be chosen for the race since all entries got same index but diff race code).
The on-groudn item model will be chosen by the Third ID and can also be race specific. 4006FF, 1006FF, 8006FF - where FF means any serial for that item type/gender gets that model - and the 2nd ID is set as FF FF FF FE to define it as a on ground model. Also a item specific codes are possible by specifying the serial.