I am trying to make strs of A3 219 files
Now I will share it with you
First,you must have a program named Structorian
Second,make a new txt and copy Structure below in it and save as .strs
Third,load IT0.bin with .strs file in Structorian and you can edit weapons and armors easier.
You must notice that this strs is not complete because I dont know all the hex numbers.
If you know,please tell me and I will complete it.
Please help me complete no.3,8,24,33,42,51,60,69,78,87,96
and if strs has mistakes,tell me.
Sor for bad eng :))
Strs update1 (thx Prot help)
danny5417[filemask="IT0.bin"] struct IT0s { child IT0 [count=1006]; } struct IT0[preload=1, tableview=1] { i16 Cal*1024; i16 ItemCode; i16 3; i16 ItemType; str[len=32] Name; i32 Price; i16 Class; i16 Range; i16 8; i16 1st.AtkSpeed; i16 2nd.AtkSpeed; i16 3rd.AtkSpeed; i16 4th.AtkSpeed; i16 5th.AtkSpeed; i16 6th.AtkSpeed; i16 AdditionalAtk; i16 Lv1.STR; i16 Lv1.DEX; i16 Lv1.INT; i16 Lv1.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv1.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv1.Ice; i16 Lv1.Fire; i16 Lv1.Lighting; i16 24; i16 Lv2.STR; i16 Lv2.DEX; i16 Lv2.INT; i16 Lv2.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv2.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv2.Ice; i16 Lv2.Fire; i16 Lv2.Lighting; i16 33; i16 Lv3.STR; i16 Lv3.DEX; i16 Lv3.INT; i16 Lv3.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv3.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv3.Ice; i16 Lv3.Fire; i16 Lv3.Lighting; i16 42; i16 Lv4.STR; i16 Lv4.DEX; i16 Lv4.INT; i16 Lv4.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv4.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv4.Ice; i16 Lv4.Fire; i16 Lv4.Lighting; i16 51; i16 Lv5.STR; i16 Lv5.DEX; i16 Lv5.INT; i16 Lv5.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv5.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv5.Ice; i16 Lv5.Fire; i16 Lv5.Lighting; i16 60; i16 Lv6.STR; i16 Lv6.DEX; i16 Lv6.INT; i16 Lv6.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv6.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv6.Ice; i16 Lv6.Fire; i16 Lv6.Lighting; i16 69; i16 Lv7.STR; i16 Lv7.DEX; i16 Lv7.INT; i16 Lv7.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv7.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv7.Ice; i16 Lv7.Fire; i16 Lv7.Lighting; i16 78; i16 Lv8.STR; i16 Lv8.DEX; i16 Lv8.INT; i16 Lv8.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv8.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv8.Ice; i16 Lv8.Fire; i16 Lv8.Lighting; i16 87; i16 Lv9.STR; i16 Lv9.DEX; i16 Lv9.INT; i16 Lv9.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv9.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv9.Ice; i16 Lv9.Fire; i16 Lv9.Lighting; i16 96; i16 Lv10.STR; i16 Lv10.DEX; i16 Lv10.INT; i16 Lv10.BasicDmg&Def; i16 Lv10.MaxDmg+; i16 Lv10.Ice; i16 Lv10.Fire; i16 Lv10.Lighting; }