How To Set up Monster
Not Sure if anyone explained it already or so.
So here you go :P
1. Open Ryl Coder
2. Press on File => Monsterprototype => Unload File
3. Press on File => Monsterprototype => Load File ( Choose your Monsterprotoype.txt )
4. Press on File => Arrangement => Open & Edit => Choose the Arrangement you want to edit.
Explain: Arrangement is saving the Monsterplace of the Map's , 12 = Map1 , 8= Map2, 16 = Map3etc
5.So Choose the Arrangement you want to edit , we take now Arrangement12.
6.Right Click on the Map and Press " Add "
7.Now ther eis a Red Point at the Map on the Right Slide Bar you see some Details.
8. Press on (LV2)Merman in my Case
9. Now you see some Option to choose a Monster, Choose a Monster you like to set
10. At the Slide Bar you see Location , there you can put the X and Z Coords where the Monster have to been
11. At Multipli on the Slide Bar ( downstairs ) you can Set :
Radius : Means in which radius the Multiples Monster has to been setted
Density : I dont know
Max Nr: Means how many montser you want to Multiply and set there.
after you done press " ok" it saves the file from alone then.
you are done now
happy playing :P
Thank For Khaizz Einstein
now i know how to set monster working for me
and show to you how!